Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

       When I got to school, I immediately went to Seb's locker. And being the awesome girlfriend I was, I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind, even though I was way shorter than him. Seb immediately chuckled. "Yes, Artie?" he asked.

       "It could have been Dax, you know," I said.

       "Yeah, I'm pretty sure Dax would rather eat worms than hug me like this," he said before closing his locker and facing me. "So, what's up with the hug?"

       "What? I can't hug my boyfriend?" I asked innocently. "Because you hug me all the time. On a completely unrelated note, though, do you know what day it is?"

       "Tuesday," Seb said.

       "No," I said slowly. "Well, yes, but no."

       "Yes, but no," Seb said. "Yeah, that makes total sense."

       "Come on, Seb," I said. "Today is March..."

       "Eighth," Seb said. 

       "And what's today?"

       "Oh, I got it," Seb said. "Our AP chemistry test."

       I frowned. "Seb..."

       "I'm kidding, Artie," he said before wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer before leaning down and pressing his lips on mine. When he pulled away, he gave me a smile. "Happy birthday, dork."

       "Dork? Really?" I asked though I had a smile on my face.

       "Yes, really," Seb said. "Because you are a dork. But, you're my dork. My beautiful little dork. Say, does that deserve a kiss?"

       I rolled my eyes and gave him a quick kiss, much to his objection. "Thank you, Seb."

       "And I got you something," Seb said, reaching into the pocket of his jacket. "I'm not really that good at gifts and I have to admit, Dax did help me a bit because he's a gift giver, so..." 

       He pulled his hand out of his pocket, holding a small box and giving it to me. I opened it and immediately fell in love with the gift. "Seb, it's beautiful," I said. "Aquamarine?"

       "Well, yeah," he said, shoving his hands in the pocket of his jeans. "I figured that it was your birthstone, so..."

       I cut him off by wrapping my arms around him. "Thank you so much," I said. "I love it. Can you put it on me?"

       "Yeah," Seb said. I took the necklace out of the box and handed it to him before I turned around. He hung the necklace around my neck and clasped the back together. It was a simple chain necklace with an aquamarine stone hanging on it, but it was so beautiful in my opinion, especially because it came from Seb, with Dax's help.

 It was a simple chain necklace with an aquamarine stone hanging on it, but it was so beautiful in my opinion, especially because it came from Seb, with Dax's help

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