Surviving the Life of Dax

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       Daxton Smythe will never be the same after the fatal car accident when he was fourteen that killed his mother. Three years later, he is still suffering. He will never be able to escape the past.

       However, Dax's life has been going smoothly for a while. His guardian is one of the best he could ask for, his older brother is still there for him, and he's still close with his best friend. Things will always be this way, right?


       Dax is in his senior year of high school, which soon turns into a roller coaster. He never thought life would be any worse than it was when he was fourteen and fifteen. Boy, was he wrong.

       After all, what's senior year without some drama?

I can't wait to start writing this, especially the thing that happens between Dax and Seb. cx I will update you when the first chapter is posted. I will start writing it after I quickly do something. It should be up within two to three hours.

Luckily there's no school tomorrow so I don't have to worry about going to bed on time. cx

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