Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

       I woke up to a pounding headache and I was feeling very sick. I slowly opened my eyes, only to see that I was not in my bedroom. It took me a while to figure where I was. Seb's bedroom.

       I realized my head was resting on his chest and he had his arm around me. He stirred a bit before saying, in a sleepy voice, "Morning, Artie."

       "Morning," I said. "Why am I here?"

       "You don't remember?" Seb asked.

       "The last thing I remember was stupid Craig showing up at the party and you threatening him," I said.

       Seb sat up, which made me sit up as well. "You got really drunk last night. Like, really drunk."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "But I don't drink."

       "Well, you did," Seb said. "We got separated at the party and Ty found you really drunk. You don't remember drinking anything?"

       I shook my head, then rubbed it to attempt to subdue the pain. "I always avoid alcohol because my parents don't like me drinking," I said. "Wait... Are they mad at me?"

       "No, Sara called them last night to tell them that you fell asleep on the way back so you were sleeping over," Seb said before getting up. "I'll get you some Tylenol." He kissed my cheek before leaving the bedroom.

       He came back shortly after with some Tylenol and a glass of water. After I took it, I laid back down, rubbing my head. "I wish I didn't drink last night," I said. "But I wouldn't even drink alcohol, you know that, right?"

       Seb sat down beside me and rubbed my arm. "Actually, yeah. You never drink alcohol. Do you remember anything?"

       I thought for a bit and some memories slowly came back. "I remember not being able to find you," I said. "And I went to the kitchen to get some lemonade. That's it."

       I looked at Seb and noticed he looked a bit angry. "So someone spiked your drink," he said. "Who the hell would do that?"

       Someone spiked my drink? Why would someone do that? Did they mean to spike my drink, or did they just spike a random drink that I ended up picking?

       I sighed. "It doesn't matter who," I muttered.

       "Artie, it does matter," Seb said. "Whoever did it could have planned on hurting you and you know how much I hate seeing you hurt, especially if someone caused it."

       "But I'm fine," I said. "Nobody did anything."

       Seb sighed. "I guess you're right. And whoever spike your drink is lucky they didn't hurt you." He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. "I love you."

       "I love you, too," I said. "Can I nap here? My head still hurts and my parents will probably suspect something if I go home like this."

       "Yeah, of course you can nap here," Seb said. "I'll just watch TV or something."

       I smiled faintly before I rested my head on Seb's lap as he turned on the TV. I closed my head, trying to sleep off my headache. I was still wondering who spike my drink, though. They didn't hurt me or try anything, but that was only because Ty found me. What if Ty didn't find me in time?

       I was able to sleep for a bit. When I woke up, Seb was playing a video game, but he paused it as soon as he noticed I was awake. "You feeling better?" he asked.

       "Yeah," I said, sitting up. "Just out of curiosity, did I do or say anything stupid last night?"

       Judging by the amused smile on Seb's face, I did, but he didn't tell me. "Nope," he said. "Nothing."

       "Seb, I know when you're lying," I said. "That and you're smiling." I then groaned. "What did I do?"

       "Nothing too bad," Seb said. "You just called me hot while I was getting changed."

       I sighed. Yes, Seb was hot, but I would never call him that to his face. His ego was too big to handle it.

       "That and you told me you wanted to have sex."

       I looked at Seb. "I what? Did we?"

       "No, of course not," Seb said, placing his arm around me. "I may be your boyfriend, but that doesn't give me the right to have sex with you when you're drunk. If it makes you feel any better, you were a cute drunk."

       I gave him a flat look. "That doesn't make me feel better. But thanks. For taking care of me."

       Seb gave me a smile. "Anything for my Artie. Want to join me in playing the game?"

       "Sure," I said.

       Seb reached into the drawer of his nightstand and pulled out another controller. He handed it to me and exited the game he was playing to start a new one with me. Right as he was about to start it, Dax walked in. "Oh, you're awake, Artemis," he said. "Your parents called. They wanted you to know that they're going to a work dinner for your father's work or whatever. So you get to hang with us."

       "I'm pretty sure I get to go back home if I want," I said.

       "Nope, you get to hang with us," Dax said. His eyes then landed on the TV. "Ooh, can I play?"

       Seb sighed and pulled out another controller before handing it to his brother. "Here," he said.

       "Sweet, thanks," Dax said before sitting on the floor by the foot of the bed. 

       Before we started the game, Seb's cell phone rang. Seb picked it up and answered it. "Hello?... Whoa, calm down, I can't understand you... Oh my god, I'm so sorry. And there's nothing that could be done?... Where will you go?... Really? None?... Okay, I'll talk to Sara to see if you can stay here... Yeah, I'll call you later."

       "Who was that?" I asked.

       "Ty," Seb said. "His father's sick. Really sick. There's no cure and he has an estimated of a few weeks left."

       "Oh my gosh," I said softly. Ty was going to lose his father and he already lost his mom.

       "I'm going to talk to Sara to see if Ty can stay here," Seb said before getting off the bed and leaving the room.

       Dax scoffed. "I guess us brothers have the worst luck ever. First, out mom passed away. Then my and Seb's dad decided to be a douche bag and is in prison. And now, Ty's going to lose his dad. What did we ever do to get this bad luck."

       I wish I knew...


Aww, poor Ty. ): So, he isn't that jerk anymore, as you had seen in the previous chapters when he helped Artie and Seb find out who stabbed Seb, and the last chapter when Ty found Artie and brought her to Seb. 

I still don't know how many chapters are left. cx It will probably end at maybe 45 chapters. I don't know, we'll see. But, then, Dax's book will come. I still have to plan that out, though.

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