Chapter 43 | Final Chapter

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Chapter 43

       I stared mindlessly at the clock hanging near the door of the history class. School was almost out and I couldn't wait. Seb and I were going to head to the beach after school gets out, something we hadn't done at all.

       The second's hand seemed to be moving by very slowly. Seriously, if I counted the seconds passing by in my head, it would go by a lot faster than this.

       To make things worse, my teacher was going on and on about a war we already learned about, even though our final exam was yesterday. There really was no point in listening.

       I looked around the classroom, getting a good look at all my fellow classmates. About three were sleeping, five were texting someone else, ten were looking at the class, and the rest were paying attention, albeit being bored.

       And then there was Ty, who was balancing a pencil on his top lip. When it dropped onto the floor, he frowned before raising his hand. "Yes, Ty?" Mr. Shay asked.

       "Yeah, can we not relearn this stuff?" Ty asked. "We did the exam yesterday, so there's really no point."

       Mr. Shay sighed. "Alright, fine. You guys can do whatever you want until the b--" He was cut off when someone knocked on the door. Mr. Shay answered it, raising his eyebrow at Seb. "Can I help you?"

       "Can I talk to my girlfriend for a quick second?" Seb asked.

       "And your girlfriend is..."

       "Artie --Artemis Novak," Seb said.

       Mr. Shay looked at me, gesturing for me to come over. I got up from my desk and walked to Seb, who gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the hallway. "What is it?" I asked.

       "Your locker is cleared out, right?" he asked.

       I nodded. "Yeah, I didn't need anything today, so I took everything home yesterday. Why?"

       "No reason," he said. "But, as soon as the bell rings, hurry outside and meet me at the car."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

       "No reason," Seb repeated. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to tell Dax the same thing." He kissed my cheek before walking off.

       Okay, that was weird. I sighed before walking back into the classroom, noticing that everyone was now either on their phone or talking to each other. 

       "What did Seb want?" Ty asked me when I sat down.

       "I have no idea," I said. "He just told me to hurry outside when the bell rings and meet him by his car."

       Ty looked a bit confused before he chuckled. "I get it. Every year, on the last day of school, Seb likes to do something to, I guess you can say, leave his mark. Last year, he released a few rats in the school."

       I raised an eyebrow. "I have no idea what goes in his mind at times."

       "Same here," Ty said. "I wonder what he's going to do today."

       I rolled my eyes before going back to staring at the clock. Less than five minutes for the bell to ring and I couldn't wait. Once that bell rang, it would mean no school for two months and I could go to the beach.

       The time went by slowly, unfortunately. I was ready to bang my head against my desk.

       Finally, finally, the bell rang. Everyone cheered as I quickly got out of my seat and hurried out of the class without making it look too suspicious. I had no idea what Seb was planning, but I didn't want to find out until I was safely out of the class.

My Ex-Best Friend: The Bad Boy (Smythe #1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum