Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

       Seb stared at the ground for a long time, not making eye contact with the social worker sitting in front of us. The social worker, Matilda, decided to meet with Seb and Dax the day after their father actually was arrested and sent to prison. I was with them because Seb told me he really needed the support.

       I was sitting beside Seb with our hands intertwined. I could tell he was nervous about the possible outcomes judging by how hard he was squeezing my hand.

       "So," Matilda said. "I bet the two of you are wondering what's going to happen."

       Seb scoffed. "Obviously."

       Matilda ignored Seb's attitude. "Seeing as you're both under eighteen, you'll have to be put in foster homes."

       "Will we be separated?" Seb asked.

       "Yes, it's highly likely," Matilda said.

       Seb and Dax looked at each other before looking back at Matilda. "That's not fair," Seb said. "He's the only family I have. He needs me."

       Matilda sighed. "Not all foster parents can support the both of you. It's going to be hard finding one that can take in the both of you and we don't have the time to look."

       "You can't separate us," Seb said, his voice strained. "Our mom is dead and our father is in prison. Do you really want to take away the only family we both have left? He's all I have left and I can't lose him."

       "I understand that you feel that way, but you two can keep in contact," Matilda said.

       "It's not enough to keep in contact," Seb said. "I need to see him every day. Do you not know how much it killed me when he was in juvie and I couldn't see him? I was so close to losing it because he wasn't with me. I am not losing my brother."

       "I have no control over it," Matilda said. "I probably won't be able to find a family that can take both of you in."

       "How hard do you think it is to find someone who can take only two people in?" Seb asked. "Surely it can't be that hard. There's probably plenty of foster parents out there who can take more than one person in."

       "Surprisingly, it's hard to find around here," Matilda said. 

       "Can't we stay with someone until you find someone that can take both of us in?" Seb asked.

       "Do you have any family members in the area?" Matilda asked.

       Seb didn't answer. I knew what it was. Both Seb's parents were only children, and his grandparents either live across state or in another state. Of course, they have their half-brother, but neither Seb nor Dax have a relationship with Ty's dad.

       "Then I'm afraid the answer is no," Matilda said.

       "I still can't get separated from Dax," Seb said. "We need each other."

       "All siblings do when they need to get fostered but the reality is not many stay together," Matilda said.

       "Then make us part of the few that do," Seb said. "You have to do something. You can't just sit here and say you can't put us together."

       "And you can't tell me how to run my job," Matilda said. "I've been doing this for years and I know how it works. I know that not all siblings stay together and I know how they feel when they don't and I know when I can't make them stay together. And, right now, I know that it will be highly unlikely for you to stay together, especially because I believe you have a record."

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