Chapter 11

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My hair was sticking to my face and neck when the sun decided it was time for me to wake. I grunted softly as I rolled the other way trying to get comfortable again. When my eyelids found some shade I buried my face into that soft comfortable shade. It made me feel safe.

''Time to wake up, (Y/N),'' Stefan remarked as his voice past me. 

I yawned with my face still buried in the soft fabric and finally opened my eyes. I looked up slightly to see I had my face buried in Uta's chest. This in addition to his eyes meeting mine made me remember the events that took place last night and made a blush creep up my cheeks. 

''Goodmorning,'' I said as I created some space between us and got up. I used a water bottle to freshen up and used the so called ''toilet'' space that was created by the gang to relieve myself. 

After everyone had gotten dressed and ready for the day it was time to gather and start preparing for the breakout.

Stefan clasped his hands together. ''Firstly I want to thank all of you for being present today. Being here right now means you have accepted my personalised offer, which is different for every one of you. As you are all aware, my offers don't come free of charge. In return I ask of you to free my men from the high-security prison we are currently located beside.''

''There are three men that we will break out. Two of them are located on the same floor, whereas one of them is located two floors below which shouldn't matter much. The prison is shaped like an L, the prisoners are located in the lower part of the L and spread out over multiple floors. The middle of each floor is made out of bulletproof, thick glass. The prisoners are able to see the others through this part of the floor when they're let out of their cells.''

''Why?'' someone asked.

''So when one of them gets a beating, the others can see it,'' he continued. ''In total, we have twenty of you here. You will be split up in three groups. Group A, the first group consists of the prisoner and two officers that will be going into the building through the main entrance. Group B will also go in through the main entrance but this group will only consist of 'officers'. Group C will be your contacts from the outside, they can see what's going on through the small camera's disguised in the outfits.''

''The job of group A is to deliver the 'prisoner' and find the actual men we're breaking out. Group B will get into the cams room and hack the system so Group C gains acces to the building. I want you all to keep in mind that this mission is about stealth. If any of you fail, the mission will get more then messy. Weeks earlier I have planted enough weaponry in the prison for you to get ahold of if the situation calls for it. Once you have grouped up, your team's leader will explain your job in detail to you.''

I felt Uta positioning himself closer to me indicating that I will be grouped up with him no matter what. In a matter of minutes all of us were grouped up. To no one's surprise the redhead from yesterday managed to make her way over to me and Uta, agressively positoning herself between us. She smirked once she saw my disturbed face, but that was soon replaced by a frown when the tall ghoul simply walked over to stand on my other side instead. 

The leader of our team assigned me to be the prisoner and Uta and Isabel, which I learned her name was, the officers to bring me in. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy pass through me. What didn't help was the constant feeling of being watched by none other then my sister as the day went on. We rehearsed the plan over and over again and even came together with the others to go over everything a few times. Stefan and his gang had prepared everything beforehand, the stolen prisoner's bus, the uniforms, the weapons. All he needed were the numbers which he now did.

When the day finally came to an end we were all trained for the mission and had the plan memorized to the T. All we had to do now was wait until the sun completely dissapeared for the nightfall to take place until it was time to set everything into motion. 


''If everyone is ready, it's time for A to drive to the prison in the prisoner's bus. B, when it's time for the facility to get some fresh hair use your physical advantages as a ghoul to sneak on to the grounds. Be sure to stay in the blind spot of the camera, as instructed. C, which I am part of, will guide you through the facility into the cams room. Once we have full acces to the whole building, we will be your main source of information. Remember, stay stealthy.''

The ride to the prison was more of a pain in my butt then anything. It was quiet for the most part except for the redhead in the officer's uniform blabbering on about god knows what. I hadn't been paying attention to it but instead directed my focus on the situation ahead.

I was dressed in a bright yellow matching shirt and bottom, both loose fitting while the black writing on my shirt informed in one glance about my number. Because counting would help, I mentally rolled my eyes. 

Uta and Isabel were dressed in a matching pair of black clothing. Their tops were long sleeved and their bottoms were supposed to be lose, but ended up being a bit more tight fitted on his butt. He was carrying a walkie talkie together with a firearm, and the way the whole thing fit him made me blush.

I quickly shook my head free from those thoughts once I realised I started daydreaming about him and fought a blush from creeping up my cheeks.

Not too long after we left had we arrived. Our team's leader drove up to the gate. The guy in the tiny room didn't say anything but instead looked expectantly towards our driver's face.

''One new prisoner. Attempted murder on an appartment building with the use of explosions.''

The tiny-room-guy nodded and flicked his head indicating we can pass as he opened the gate. Once unofficially inside Isabel stepped out first, whereafter I followed. She harshly grabbed me before I even set both feet onto the pavement before Uta followed the grab my other arm. Isabel painfully crossed my arms behind me and enjoyed every moment of it I'm sure.

As we walked towards the entrance she whispered into my ear in such a manner that nobody could see or hear her. 

''Don't you think it's cute that him and I are in matching outfits while you're in some ugly snot yellow outfit? Did I mention both of us are ghouls while you are considered our food,'' she practically sneered. ''I'd also like to remind you that you don't have your weapons on you. I do. Which means that you better watch your back in there because once this is over I'm coming for you and making sure you stay behind in this god awful place, bitch.''


The next chapters make 0 sense unless they're edited <3


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