Chapter 20

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Uta opened the door and stepped trough with me hot on his trail. Once I stepped trough, heads turned my way. Now that I was a ghoul, it was a lot easier detecting who was a human and who was a ghoul. There were various faces staring up at me. Some of them was an old man, a boy with black hair and an eyepatch, a girl with a bob cut and blue hair, a little girl, a tall dude with glasses and a few more.

Everyone practically smelled the same, as far as a ghoul can smell. But the black haired boy smelled somewhat.. Different. Very unusual.

As everyone stared at me I stared right back at them. I don't know them, they might as well tend to hurt me. That my mind was blinded with Uta didn't mean I lost my fighting tactics. I didn't.

The blue head spoke up, "She's a tuff one, Yoshimora."

The old man now labeled as Yoshimora nodded. "Indeed, she seems like it. So, Uta, she's the human turned into a full ghoul." He stated more like a fact.

Uta shifted and stood now before me, blocking me from everyone else. I saw his head nod. I put my right hand on his left shoulder firmly and stepped around him.

"Yes, that's me. My name is Sarah, sir."

He smiled nicely, "Pleasure to finally meet the girlfriend of Uta. Would you like some coffee?" He asked, causing the tension to slowly disappear.

My eyes slightly widened. "I-I'm not the girl-"

Uta cut me off by wrapping an arm around my waist turning me to face him and smacking his lips against mine. He pulled back and said to Yoshimora, addressing everyone, "Yes, she's mine."

The little girl pulled on the black haired guy's sleeve and quietly mumbled, "Kaneki, let's make Uta's girlfriend coffee." She even had a ghost of a smile on her face.

They both turned and left.

Yoshimora made us all sit down and started to explain to me what exactly was happening.

He said that Steve was sitting at one of their tables and was demanding to see me. Apparently with no valid reason. He started shouting at the staff that he knew who I was staying with and that he, meaning Uta, was dangerous.

"Are you sure that's Stefan? He would never do something as idiotic as this," I said damping my voice a little bit.

The boy with the glasses spoke up for the first time. "We asked his name, and he had a tattoo, he was bald too," he sounded bored.

Kaneki and the little girl came back holding my coffee and putting it on the table.

I took the cup and brought it to my lips taking a sip. It was really good.

Everything was quiet except for my occasional slurps. When I was done I stood up and walked towards what I assumed to be the actual cafe. "I'm going to talk to him."

"I'll come with you." Uta stood up, but before he could follow me Yoshimora stopped him.

"I first need to talk to you, Uta. I want you to do something."

With that I left Uta behind and walked out of the door and just as I expected, Stefan sat right at the counter. His eyes lit up when he saw me and he immediately ran up to me. He grabbed my arm ad started pulling me towards the exit.

"Steve, what are you doing? Let me go. You're hurting me." I wasn't lying just to get out of his grasp. He really was hurting me. How tight could a human's grasp be, damn.

"I'm bringing you with me Sarah."

He pulled me trough the door and shoved me really hard against the wall. "That ghoul is playing you." He said looking coldly at me.

I snorted. "He doesn't, he has no reason to. He cares for me. He shows affection. He has no reason to play me, Stefan!"

He scoffed, "No reason!? God damnit all, Sarah, have you forgotten about Nicki? Have you forgotten about the warning I gave you? She gets what she wants, always."

I tried to struggle fiercely. "Let me go before I kill you. Clearly you have forgotten who I am. I am the girl who has committed a hell of a lot of sins, and I'm not scared of committing a few more. I am the one here who has the upper hand. I am the ghoul." I sneered at his face.

His expression changed in one second, surprising me, but I wasn't showing it. He chuckled. "You are good, I admit you that, but let me give you a tip for in the future, princess."

I was now feeling droopy. I needed to focus really hard to hear what he had to say.

"Try to ease your anger. That way you'll be able to feel when somebody injects something into you."

I closed my eyes. Already feeling the strong effects of what he'd put into my system.

"Fuck you," I whispered.

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