Chapter 17

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"Oh my god!"

"Now she's even more dangerous."

"I'm out, man."

I heard all sorts of comments and saw people cowering away after making eye contact with me.

"Sarah, look at me." I turned to the voice coming from above me and looked up to see Uta.

"Uta," I whispered. ''How?''

''A ghoul doctor, he suggested we should try to replace your organisms with working ones. We found a dead ghoul in an ally way and didn't want to wast any time.'' He said quietly.

I sighed and felt an immense pain in my stomach. I rolled on my side and groaned. ''I- I am hungry.''

I couldn't believe myself. Hungry for what? Humans? No way in hell, I don't want to. No.


''Here, we knew you would be, so we took a dead human with us, he was in the building too.'' Stefan handed me a dark grey bag and I could see blood dripping from it.

''I'm not eating humans. Give me something else to eat. I refuse to devour humans.''

Everyone was silent. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Uta nodding, as if reassuring everyone it was alright. It wouldn't be.

I tried standing up, but failed miserably. ''I want to go home.''

I decided, I wasn't going to hold back anymore, and just be bold. ''Uta, please carry me home.'' I stuck my arms out to him, as if I was a child asking for a cookie.

I saw the corners of his lips slightly going up, but it could clearly be seen that he was trying hard not to. He lifted me up from the bed and held me close. I grabbed his shirt and snuggled closer while closing my eyes.

I felt cold air hit my skin and knew we were outside going home. I slowly tilted my head up and kissed his jaw. ''Thank you.''

And that's when I let darkness consume me.


I was woken up by someone stroking my hair. I opened my eyes and saw that I was back in Uta's room, in Uta's bed. I looked down and saw his arm slung around my waist.

I turned around and saw him already staring at me. ''Hey,'' I whispered.

He didn't respond. Just gazed at me. We kept staring at each other before the rumbling of my stomach ruined the moment.

My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks heat up, this was pretty embarrassing. He didn't laugh like I expected him to. He got off the bed and crouched to a bag. When he turned around I was horrified. He had a human limb in his hands.

"No." I immediately stood up. "I'm not eating that."

He again stayed silent. With the flesh in his hand he proceeded towards me. I tried running to the door but he tackled me. He jumped on me and pinned my arms above my head. Now straddling me, he held the limb above my mouth.

He finally spoke, ''You need to eat, love.''

My stomach churned when he said love. He smirked, knowing the effect he had on me. ''Bite,'' he whispered.

I obeyed and slowly took a bite. I couldn't help but notice how he watched my mouth move while I was chewing. I was continued to be fed me with him straddling me, until I was done.

He got up and picked me up bridal style. He moved to walk out. ''Where are we going?''

He didn't answer, just kept looking forward with an unreadable expression and walking. I realized he was carrying me to the bathroom. He closed the toilet seat and sat me on it. He then turned and started filling the bath.

Why was he doing everything for me?

''U- Uta I can-''


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