Chapter 12

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Before I walked back to the room Uta and I were sleeping in, I looked for Stefan. I wanted another sleeping bag, if possible.

Nicki was right. Uta and me are from different kinds. Eventually he would devour me and I would be nothing else than a memory.

I finally spotted Stefan. "Steve, do you have another sleeping bag? I want to sleep in another room, the men there scare me a little."

He looked surprised. "You, scared? Please tell me your joking, and don't you have that ghoul by your side?"

I mentally face palmed, of course he wouldn't believe me, no one ever did. And I had a pretty good reputation from the time when he made me do all this stuff before.

"Listen, Stefan," I said sternly, "those men look like they've committed a lot worser things then just stealing and freeing people. I know I shouldn't judge this fast but I can't help it. Living on my own made me wary of all kind of things, and this is one of them."

He put his hands up. "If you say so, just don't hit me. I actually do have another one, it's a spare one. If you really want to sleep elsewhere than you may."

He grabbed the sleeping bag from the ground somewhere behind him and threw it my way. Of course me being me, caught it without effort.

A replied a short thanks and without saying anything to Uta,  went up some stairs and found a room that, strangely, wasn't occupied.

My weapons were strapped to me the whole time I was talking with Nicki. You never know when danger decides to strike.

I laid the bag out in front me and climbed in, sighing. I felt lonely.
I never realized before that the mere presence of someone beside you could fill you up with happiness and comfort. Even though it was little.

I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep as fast as possible. But of course, the universe kind of hates me.

I wondered if Uta was concerned. I shouldn't even think this. I'm sure Nicki is keeping him company. She'll use him, just like she always does, the little slut.

Oh no. Only then I realized, she will throw him out the window when she's done with him. Even though I want to keep my distance from Uta, I needed to warn him.

Quickly walking to the room he was staying in, I saw something that I never wanted to see.
I had a view of Uta's legs open and Nicki's back. She was sitting between his legs and kissing him fiercely.
Uta was holding her by the waist and her hands were on his hands.

I walked out as quietly as possible. I didn't make a sound, I was too smart to let them know I saw it. I needed to let my anger out, and fast. And I knew just the way to do it.

I'm going to participate in this task from Stefan, and I'm going to enjoy it.

Welcome back to the dark side.


This is going to be bad.
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