
9K 771 698

11 March 2015


That night, I was still wide awake even after the number of times Jin told me to go to bed. I kept telling him I was not tired yet. The real reason however, was that I felt a little scared to sleep all by myself so I chose to stay up to wait for Taehyung and Jungkook to come back. Jin gave up eventually and left my dorm room.

I was alone in the room as Taehyung and Jungkook were still waiting for the last train at a train station with Suga. They had left late for shopping and hence, would come home late as well. They wanted me to tag along but me, being myself, would rather work on perfecting my dance so that was what I did the entire day.

After a strenuous day of practice, I was finally able to crash down on my bed. After flipping around in bed, I sat up before whipping my phone out. I then headed to Twitter and scrolled through my newsfeed as I thought of what to tweet. I was just about to post a new tweet when I heard a couple of knocks at the door. Hearing the sudden knocks, my heart beat fast as I was caught by surprise.

"Jimin, Jimin!" I heard someone calling my name from outside the door.

I stood up from my bed before heading to the door. As I opened it, I was taken aback by the huge smile plastered on J-Hope's face.

"Uh- yes hyung?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Did you see Jungkook? Did he enter your room?" He shot me with questions as he poked his head into the room, peeping.

"What are you talking about? Jungkook is not back yet," I told him firmly.

"He is! We are playing 'hide-and-seek' and now I'm finding for him," J-Hope exclaimed with a smile.

I blinked my eyes in disbelief.

Did I just heard him say 'hide-and-seek' again?

"So is he inside?" J-Hope asked me as he peeped into the room like a puppy.

"No..." I replied, my voice became soft.

"Oh okay, maybe he went down! Ha-ha! Sorry to disturb you! Good night!" He exclaimed before skipping off.

As soon as he left, I shut the door close and locked it tight. I then dashed straight to my bed before crashing flat on it. I immediately dug myself into my pillow as questions started filling my head.

What's with J-Hope and 'hide-and-seek'?

What's with him saying that Jungkook is hiding?

Is he mentally--unstable?

I stayed like this for about an hour or so until the bedroom door creaked open. I turned to the direction of the door to see Taehyung and Jungkook strolling in with shopping bags in their hands. I looked to Jungkook and thought to myself.

Does Jungkook even know that J-Hope is finding for him in a game of--'hide-and-seek'?

"Hey Jimin, why are you still awake?" Taehyung asked as he placed his things on a cabinet.

"I uh- was waiting for you guys," I responded before faking a smile.

"But since you guys are here already, I'll go to sleep now."

I crawled up my bed before tucking myself in the covers. Soon, I found myself drifting off into a deep slumber.

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