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17 March 2015


"Okay, Rin, I did what you want, can I go now... please?" A-rang begged as she stood in the middle of the room.

Just then, a figure came through a wall and slowly made its way to us. It was Rin. Jeni was startled at Rin's sudden appearance as it was her first time seeing Rin since seven years ago. However, for A-rang and I, it was not our first time so we watched as Rin floated over to us.

"You all think it's over? Pfft... it's not," Rin scoffed.

"B-but w-why?" A-rang asked, stuttering.

"You tell me––how many people were involved in the fire outbreak? Just two?" Rin asked as she looked at A-rang and then at me.

The way she looked at us was very horrifying because there was blood trickling down her eyes. At the same time, I realised she only looked to A-rang and I, not Jeni.

That means she already knows who was involved in the fire outbreak...

I gulped.

That means she knows that there are... three other people involved...

"Where are the other three?" Rin asked before smirking at us.

A-rang turned to look at me and then to Jeni, thinking that maybe we might know where the other three trainees might be. However, we just shook our heads, not knowing where the other trainees were at since we had lost contact after the tragic incident.

A-rang slowly turned her head back to Rin before gulping.

"Err- we don't know," she muttered anxiously.

Rin instantly let out an eerie laugh that echoed throughout the room.

"Is that so? Hmm... you girls see––the dead body you found just now belonged to Jimin and he had a sister... what was her name again, Ji-"

"Jina..." Jeni muttered before cupping her mouth in disbelief.

Rin smirked, nodding.

That immediately made me recall about the fire outbreak. I remembered Jina––one of the trainees back then, who had started the fire with A-rang and I.

I also remembered Jina telling me that she wanted to be an idol before her brother, Jimin, did. That was the reason why she agreed to set the building on fire which killed––the Lee family.

"That's right. Find her and you'll know where the other two are," Rin said.

"Of course, you'll have to bring them here... better don't run away––or else," she warned.

With that, she disappeared, leaving the three of us in the room.

"Or else... what?" A-rang asked Jeni and I.

"I don't know..." I responded, a little worried.

Just then, we heard loud footsteps coming from the corridor outside the room before Taehyung and J-Hope appeared at the door.

"You girls okay?" J-Hope asked as he made his way to us.

We just nodded.

"J-Hope, Taehyung, do any of you know Jina––Jimin's sister?" Jeni asked the two boys.

"Yeah, she just called me awhile ago. Why?" J-Hope cocked an eyebrow.

"Jina... she was... involved in the fire too..." Jeni uttered, her heart sinking.

However, J-Hope frowned at her, not fully believing what she had just said.

"It's not possible! She's in Australia," J-Hope stated.

"Yeah, but hyung... she just went there a year ago... and the fire outbreak was––"

"Seven years ago," I interrupted Taehyung.

"But it can't be..." J-Hope was in disbelief.

"It is. Rin just spoke to us and now, she wants Jina and the other trainees..." A-rang added.

J-Hope stepped back frustratedly.

"So now it's Jina's turn?! Yah- when will this ever end?!" His blood was boiling.

Right after, he stormed out of the room in rage.

"Hyung! Where are you going?!" Taehyung shouted across to him in the corridor.

"Sleep, duh!" J-Hope scoffed as he entered the lift.

Sighing, Taehyung went back into the room before lookng at the three of us girls.

"I'm err- sorry about my hyung––"

"No, I'm sorry. it's all my fault..." A-rang cut Taehyung off before cupping her own face with her palms.

She started sobbing.

17 March 2015


"Sleep, duh!" I scoffed at Taehyung as I entered the lift.

I immediately pressed for the eight floor where the dorm room was at. As soon as I got into my room, I slammed the door shut in frustration before running to my bed, jumping flat on it.

That was when I realised that I had not planned on where to meet Jina, knowing that she would be arriving in South Korea tomorrow. I immediately whipped out my phone before sending her a text on Kakaotalk, hoping that she would reply.

As I waited for her response, I recalled what Jeni had said about Jina.

"She was involved in the fire."

I just could not believe that statement.

That was because Jina and I were really close back then. I used to go over to Jimin's house with the rest of BTS and would always see Jina. She would always join us in our conversations and played with us whenever we started a game.

At the same time, I also grew feelings for her but of course, they were just feelings I had kept in my heart.

Getting to know that Jina was involved in the fire was just unbelievable for me. I did not even know if Jimin or her parents knew about this. After some time, I decided not to believe anything about Jina being involved in the fire.

Maybe they were just playing with me.

Just then, I heard a beep sound from my phone. It was a message from Jina.

From: Jina
I'll be reaching at 4pm. We can meet at the airport, if you want.

I replied to her, saying that I would be meeting her at the airport. Afterwards, she sent me her flight details before I placed my phone away and laid my head on a pillow. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep. At one point in time, I heard the door of the dorm room opening and sounds of footsteps heading towards the empty beds beside me. I was lazy to see who it was so I just continued sleeping.

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