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18 March 2015


"Is there a problem?" Hoseok asked, seeing me a little unsettled all of a sudden.

"Uh- no, no. Give me a moment," I responded as I walked towards the window in Jimin's room.

I kept re-reading A-rang's message, contemplating a lot.

From: A-rang
Are you still in Australia?

The actual reason why I went to Australia was to get away from her but here she was texting me about my whereabouts.

But why would she ask? Is it that important?

I chose to reply her, saying that I had came back to South Korea. With that, I placed my phone away and turned to look at Hoseok who was sitting down at Jimin's study table, looking through the photo album that was already there.

I headed over and peered behind him to see what he was looking at. As he flipped through the album, I saw photographs of Jimin, Hoseok and their other friends. It made me recalled the days where they would come over to my house to hangout with my brother.

Hais... those days.

"Jina, why would you do such a thing?" Hoseok asked out of the blue as he turned to face me.

I was caught offguard by his question, my heart started to race. I truly knew what he was referring to but I had no answers for him. I looked down to the ground and shook my head in complete disapproval of my past actions. Unknowingly, tears started forming in my eyes.

"I-I wasn't thinking straight. I-I just... don't know..." I stuttered in my sentence.

I was lying. I totally knew why I had teamed up with A-rang and some other trainees to set the building on fire. I was greedy for fame but look at what I am now––nothing, just a piece of trash.

I heard Hoseok letting out a sigh before he stood up from his seat.

He must be really disappointed in me.

He eventually left the room, not uttering anything.

Yep... he's truly disappointed in me.

A moment later, my phone vibrated again. I took it out, looking to its screen to see another message from A-rang.

From: A-rang
Meet us at the cafe near 'the building', you should know what I'm referring to.

My eyes grew big as I read through the message.

Who's us? And why would they want to meet me...?

I kept thinking as I tried to make sense of what was happening. Then, it struck me. It must have to do with the fire outbreak from seven years ago.

To: A-rang
I'll be there.

I wanted to know what was going on hence, I gave a fast reply. With that, I went out of Jimin's room and headed down to the living room. Over there, I saw my mother watching a programme on the television as I walked over to her.

"Eomma, have you seen Hoseok?" I asked her.

"He just left. He was looking all down though. What did you do?" My mother cocked an eyebrow at me.

I just shook my head, not wanting to reply to her. I would be spilling the beans of my past actions if I were to answer so I just headed for the front door.

"I'm going to meet some friends so I'll go now," I told my mother, ignoring her question.

"Yah, okay. Better be home for dinner."

I nodded and went out of my house before heading to the nearest bus stop.

18 March 2015


"She said she'll be coming so we'll just wait," I told Jeni and Somi.

That was what we did––wait and wait but Jina still had not shown up.

"Maybe she's not––"

"There she is!" I exclaimed, interrupting Somi.

I waved at Jina from a distance before she spotted me and approached us. She suddenly stopped at her tracks when Somi and Jeni turned around to face her. I saw a gasp escaping her mouth.

"Yah! Jina, come here!" I called out to her.

She awkwardly walked her way over to us before standing at the front of our table. I patted on the seat beside me, telling her to sit there. She nodded before heading to that seat.

"Jina, the reason why we're meeting up it's because... we want to find out where the two other trainees that were err... involved in the fire are at," I started off, looking at her.

"What for?" Jina asked.

I looked to Somi and Jeni, wanting one of them to respond to Jina.

"Long story, really, but we'll tell you if you tell us where the other two trainees are at," Jeni spoke.

"Umm... I heard they went to a new company but––it's been a long time ago since I last contacted them so I'm not sure anymore," Jina responded, rubbing her neck sheepishly.

"Oh, it's okay. What were their names again? Danggit––I've forgotten," I facepalmed myself.

How can I plan a fire with a group of people and then forget their names?

"Seokjin and Namjoon," Jina uttered the two names of the trainees that was also involved in the fire.

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