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16 March 2015


When many had left the funeral service, I decided to head to the front of the wake. Somi was already there, standing in front of Boram's photo frame. She quickly wiped away her tears when she saw me approaching. I stood beside her since Jimin's photo frame was in between Boram's and Rin's.

"I'm sorry about your friend..." Somi muttered when she looked up to me.

I nodded, faking a smile.

"He was a nice guy..." Somi continued.

"Yep... he was," I responded.

The two of us did not talk much but stood at the front of the wake for a good ten minutes.

"Come, let's go," I told Somi.

She nodded before walking off first. Just when I wanted to catch up with her, I heard sounds of glass shattering at a distance. I turned my head to the three photo frames and was jolted out of my skin. The glass covering Rin's and Jimin's photos broke into pieces. I gulped.

How did that happen?

I looked around the funeral room to see only a few people but all of them were not near the photo frames at all. I was confused. I headed over to the broken pieces of glass and picked up the bigger piece. I was examining it when just suddenly, two figures appeared right behind me. I immediately threw that piece of glass to the ground in utter shock. It broke into a million pieces.

I quickly turned around to see no one behind me. A sudden uneasiness started to fill the room so I hastily ran out. That was when I saw my friends at the entrance of the funeral centre, waiting for me.

"Let's go back home, Tae," Jin called out when he saw me.

"No way! Not to that building!" I exclaimed before rushing out of the venue.

As soon as I fled off, I could hear my friends calling out to me. Of course, I ignored them and ran non-stop down the streets. After some time, my legs worn out so I stopped right in front of a boutique.

I watched my body breathing heavily through the reflective surface of the boutique's window. Right at that moment, two figures suddenly appeared behind me, making me jolt out of my skin. I realised it was Jimin and Rin.

What the–– Why do I keep seeing them?!

At that point in time, a small paper flew in front of me. I extended my hand before grabbing it. It said:

My body. Her revenge.

I had no idea what it meant. I looked back up to the boutique's window to see that Jimin and Rin was no longer there. I could only see my own reflection. I then looked back to the note in my hand.

Whose body and whose revenge?

I was about to run off when I ran into someone as I turned around. I apologised and bowed sheepishly at the girl. I caught a glimpse of her face and realised how familiar she looked. She looked to me and stared at my face, also wondering where she had seen me.

"Do I- know you?" She asked.

"Well err- I don't know..." I mumbled, scratching my head.

Then it struck me. She was the girl next to Jungkook the other time I met her.

"Oh wait- you're Jungkook's tuition teacher, am I right?" I asked her.

"Ah yes, yes! I'm Jeni," she introduced herself.

I assumed she remembered me the other time so I just nodded and smiled slightly. I also noticed she was wearing all black.

"Uh- Are you on your way to the funeral?"

"Oh yes, yes, I am. I'll go now, see you!" She greeted before waving at me.

I just nodded my head. She then walked past me, heading to the funeral service. I had no idea how she knew about the funeral but I did not even bother asking. At that moment, I realised I was holding onto the piece of paper in my hand and thought that maybe Jeni might know something about what was written on the paper.

"Hey Jeni! By any chance do you know what this means!" I called out to her as I waved the piece of note in my hand when she turned around.

Feeling curious, she approached me and took a look at the note.

"My body... Her revenge... Hmm... Where did you get this from?" She asked.

Do I tell her it fell from the sky?

"Rin and Jimin... They gave it to me..." I uttered.

Jeni's eyes grew bigger.

"Whaaaat?" She asked in disbelief.

"I don't know how but it's really from them. Come on, you should know something," I told her.

She just stood silent, thinking in her head.

"Isn't the curse over...?" I asked.

"Maybe... it's not."

"I'll tell you one thing. Everyone who dies in the building, has to rest in peace," she continued before handing me back the small note.

With that, she walked away from me and continued her journey up the street.

I was confused.

Isn't that the reason why there's a funeral at the first place? So that they could rest in peace?


they're not at peace yet...

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