Chapter Seven

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Things to see today:

Stop sign in the middle of nowhere

The injudiciousness of life

Visualize lunacy

Pixie and her new hair

Use Google Earth to find my missing six-foot crazy lady

"Do you think I went too far when my water broke on the Apse?" Micha asked as she skipped along the sidewalk, spinning and dancing as she went.

That was putting it mildly.

"Oh not at all," I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "But when you started screaming TAKE ME JESUS, FILL ME WITH YOUR HOLY SPIRT that might have been a bit too much," I said then laughed. For not being crazy, Micha played the part with Oscar worthy performances. "Where to now?" I looked at my watch then groaned. "Never mind. Damn it, I have therapy in thirty minutes."

"Let's go visit the good doctor!" Micha beamed. "I'll drive," she said then ran towards a car, jumped up then slid across the hood of a black Volvo C30, landing on the ground with an oomph and string of profanities. She was quick to her feet, throwing her hands in the air in triumph. "And she's okay! Think anyone saw or should I do it again?" she asked, rubbing her belly with one hand and scratching her ass with the other.

I shook my head, not entirely sure why I was bothering. "Get in the damn car, Crazy Lady."

"What are you doing after therapy?" Micha asked as she swerved in and out of downtown traffic.

I was buckled in tight, holding on to the 'oh shit handle' for dear life.

"You realize in America we drive on the other side of the road!" I cried out as she drove into oncoming traffic, passing cars and streetcars in the process.

"So I've heard," she said, taking the corner way to fast; at least one tire had to have been off the ground. "Y'know, I never understood all of these bloody traffic signs you Yanks use. They all look the bloody same!" she complained with a PBS period piece worthy English accent. "Where are the squiggly lines and circle signs with arrows?"

"Please don't kill me!" I begged before she pulled the emergency break, sending the car spinning hundred-eighty degrees before it slid perfectly into an open parking spot along the curb in front of the building Dr. Joyce's office was in. I felt as if I was going to throw up, so I pushed the door open and gasped for air.

Micha laughed and got out of the car. "You didn't tell me you had a weak stomach. Next time you get to be the pregnant nun since you look as if you have morning sickness."

"Ha ha," I groaned, trying to find my bearings but my legs wouldn't support my weight, so I sat there in the car with the door open, watching her entertain herself.

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