Chapter Sixteen

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The Ridiculous Things in Life:

Inflatable Sheep


My Self-Deprecating


Dr. Joyce was tapping her pen against her notepad, the way she did when she was either bored, irritated, or in my presence. Typically I would have found her discomfort enjoyable, but that moment wasn't one of those times. I actually needed someone to talk to and my usual options weren't cutting it. John was avoiding my calls. Korin was avoiding me and my calls. Erik simply said boys would be boys. And Aunt Jay said Girl you better work it, whatever the hell that was supposed to mean.

Since my typical support system wasn't there for me, I had to turn to the last person I ever wanted to talk to: the shrink.

With a sigh of resignation, I threw myself back on the couch and closed my eyes. "Is this how I do it?" I asked.

"Do what?" Dr. Joyce asked, skeptically.

"This goddamn therapy thing," I sneered. "And to think that you're the one with the damn degrees," I scoffed.

"You want to talk? Seriously talk?" she asked, still skeptical.

"Yup. Korin's mad at me, but I don't know why. I don't think I did anything wrong, but I'm kind of flaky and airheaded from time to time so I could have accidentally insulted his mother or something and not even realized it. I haven't a clue what to do. He won't talk to me, won't answer my calls, emails, I even sent him a singing Man-O-Gram. From what the telegram company said, his dad wasn't amused by the stripping Jesus."

"Did you two have a fight?" she asked in her Freudian voice.

"No. We never fight. We don't always see eye to eye, but we always understand the others position on whatever it is we're disagreeing about, thus we can accept that they're wrong in our minds, and we leave it at that."

She nodded. "Then what happened?"

"I don't know, and that's the problem. What I do know is that boys are apparently crazier than I am and completely ridiculous."

"Have you gone over there to ask him personally?"

I sat up and looked at her with wide eyes; why in the hell hadn't I thought of that?! "No. Thank you." I got up then hurried to the door.

"Where are you going? We still have 45 minutes left in our session," she said.

"Out. I need to see a man about a boom box and an inflatable sheep."


One wouldn't think it'd be hard to find a damn boom box in this day and age, but it was. Luckily Ho Jo's in Chinatown had a boom box straight from the eighties that looked just like the one John Cusack used in Say Anything. Hopefully my little movie buff can make the connection between my interpretation and the original.

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