Chapter Eighteen

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What Not To Bother With:

Dr. O'Shea: he's a dick times infinity to the tenth power

Rainbows: there is no gold at the end of them

Humility: overrated

Latex Body Paint: too hard to get out of the carpet

I never knew months could fly by so fast. I should have since I lost my entire life in a mental breakdown mind wipe, but this was so much more enjoyable! Halloween wasn't my favorite holiday: people dressing up like assholes and running around vandalizing property, stealing candy, begging for handouts. It wasn't something I was interested in to say the least.

The whole believed abstraction which is Halloween was just ridiculous to someone like me.

I wore a costume every day, so why should Halloween be any different?


The only reason why it was remotely different was because Korin asked me to dress up. He was going as Pennywise, the clown from Steven King's It. I hated that goddamn movie, but Korin was overly excited about it, so I kept that bit of information from wasn't a lie, per se, it was merely omitting that I was terrified of clowns. Simplicity is always the best way to go, and I had dressed as a Weeping Angel yesterday and every Doctor over the past three weeks, so I went as a cheerleader with blonde pigtails and spanky pants under my skirt that have 'JAIL BAIT' plastered across the back.

Everyone was expecting me to outdo myself, to take top honors in the costume contest, but I was more than happy to let them down with my rebellious refusal to conform.

I waited at the curb with a yellow balloon in hand; a prop for Korin's costume.

Since last night I've had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. Was someone going to die? I hoped not. But there was a knot in my stomach that was screaming, 'Get your happy-go-lucky cheerleading ass back in bed!'

I knew it was going to be one of those days where they would need to save the cheerleader, save the world.

Usually I listened to those voices of warning, but John and Korin were pushing me to go to school. There was a dance after school, and according to them it was the equivalent of homecoming at a regular high school, but since the Academy didn't have a football team, a Halloween dance would be the next best thing.

I really didn't care.

Most likely I'd be taking a long nap on the eighth floor before all was said and done.

When John's Audi pulled up, I barely noticed.

My attention was solely on the cat across the street scratching his ass on one of the newel posts in front of his house. He had been going at it for the past fifteen-minutes. I still don't know how one animal's ass could itch so much that it warranted more than a quarter of an hour of ass scratching in order to alleviate its problem. On top of that, the sneaky bastard was wiping his ass, in essence, where people touched. When his loving masters came home and used the railing, they were, in essence, getting stink bombed by their precious fur ball.

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