Chapter Fourteen

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What we can't see:

Black stop signs

A drunken Cupid's arrow

Ghosts we need to put to bed


"Damn it, Johnny Boy, put me down!" I complained before slapping his ass as he carried me through the halls over his shoulder like a slab of meat.

"No, my man asked me to do him a favor so I am," John informed me, shaking with contained laughter. "I have to admit, Crazy, this is a bit more enjoyable than I thought it was going to be." He slapped me on the ass again; that one would leave a mark. "I've never seen a girl in Spiderman underwear before," he said before laughing.

"I'm so kicking your ass for this, and don't think that your little buddy is out of the woods either. He's going to get it ten times worse!" I warned.

John smacked my ass again, softer that time. "If you could learn to play nice with the other kitties in the sandbox, I wouldn't have to babysit you. Can't you keep your gum and derogatory remarks to yourself?"

"No, obviously not," I said.

Once we made it to class, John tossed me into my chair and took the one next to me. The other students were laughing at the spectacle, the strange three-person relationship that was John, Korin and Micha had the school gossiping like old Jewish ladies.

"Why are you dressed like Gothic Snow White today?" he asked.

I looked down at my outfit: shiny black shoes, black and white striped knee high socks, black and white vinyl super short dress with frilly white petticoat underneath, and black bob styled wig with white satin headband. "I had an epiphany," I informed him and he groaned. "If all fairytales have a happy ending, which is complete bullshit since historically all fairytales have really fucked up endings and morals to the twisted and deranged story, and everyone lives happily ever after, and the prince always gets the girl, where is the modern and commercialized moral of the story? What is it that we can learn from the beautiful princess' plight? That no matter how shitty life is, there is always a happy ending? No matter what travesties we face we will always walk away with a smile? Fuck and that.

"According to Disney, Snow White lived in a house with seven little men that were workaholics, if not slaves in a matter of speaking, that were obviously gay, otherwise there was a serious case of pedophilia going on there. Oh and let's not forget about her homicidal stepmother that suffered from a severe case of narcissism that was only fueled by the greatest gift any self-delusional homicidal sociopath could have, a talking mirror. I think that Snow White should have dressed the part, something more dark and demented like the message that her commercialized story was conveying. Hence my wardrobe choice for the day," I confidently told him.

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