Chapter Nineteen

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I should have never....

Kissed that dude at band camp

See above and add told John about it

Shot those roman candles at the cat...who would have thought a cat could jump that high?

Watched the Exorcist

Help John shave his ass for his hot pants

"Professor Dixon, please. This isn't good," I argued, pacing his office before throwing my mask across the room in frustration. "You can't call Dr. Joyce! She's a goddamn idiot! Trust me, I know! Do I look mentally stable to you?" I demanded, tugging on the front of my clown costume; luckily it helped to make my point.

Professor Dixon pulled his hands over his face. "Are you sure you heard her correctly this morning, about her mother?"

"Yes. Why would I make that up? John heard it, too. Fuck!" I kicked one of the chairs, knocking it over. "Now she's seeing dead people at school. This can't be good. Does this mean she's mentally breaking again? She seemed fine when she was retelling us of her dream, of her memory of that night." I huffed; this was getting ridiculously complicated and dangerous. "Micha seemed completely content, a bit melancholy, but who wouldn't be, you know?"

"Where is she now?" Professor Dixon asked. I could tell he was struggling with the well-being of his niece and what I thought I knew to be best for her.

I slump down on the chair that was still upright then looked out the window. "John's babysitting her in the cafeteria. He's strong enough to keep her from doing anything to herself if it came to that."

Professor Dixon smiled, but I knew it was forced. "Go back to your girlfriend. Stay with her today, have fun at the dance, and if there is a change or you get concerned about her well-being take her home and enjoy some privacy for a while. If you have sex, please be responsible," he cautioned.

I rolled my eyes. "It isn't like that. The last thing on my mind is getting laid," I informed him.

For once sex wasn't on my mind.

"Micha's well-being is my only concern, and that's why we haven't had sex, if you must know," I said. "We aren't ready for that, not yet. I love her, and she loves me for some ungodly reason, and I won't jeopardize our relationship by thrusting her upon my short-coming... That sounded less disturbing in my head," I admitted.

Professor Dixon shook his head, trying to keep from laughing. "Apparently she is rubbing off on you. Your mother would be very happy that you two found each other. It takes a special kind of person, an exceptionally strong person, to deal with someone like Micha, and if anyone could do it, it's you. Aside from Micha's apparent issues, she's a hard one to keep up with because her mind works like no other, even when she was younger and before her mother took her life."

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