Chapter Twenty-Six

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Things to see before I turn 30:

Where the sidewalk ends

A bearded lady that doesn't weight 400 pounds

The Vagina Monologues – not sure why, but at least I can say "Been there, done that"

The meaning of life (Not the Monty Python movie)

Welcome to Hell.

Yes, it was Hell, that was the only way I could describe it.

Why am I nervous? I never get nervous going in front of people, but right now my stomach feels like it's full of butterflies or an alien is going to burst out and start killing people... Actually, that would be so cool!

Ugh! Get it together, Deaton. No alien is going to start picking people off no matter how much you wish it would.

"You ready?" John whispered, startling me.

"No. Where is my little man?" I demanded.

John shook his head then pulled me to my feet. "Korin is in the front row, of course, with a ridiculously large bouquet of lilacs: French, English and Washington lilacs if I remember the yelling from his father over the bill. You have him so whipped," he teased, so I punched him in the arm. "Hey now, don't damage the goods."

I glared at him. "Don't talk shit about my man," I scolded then pulled my leg up and rested it on his shoulder so I could stretch.

"Thanks for doing this, Micha." John whispered. "It would have been a total nightmare if I were stuck with Paris still. I really do appreciate it."

I shrugged. "It's five minutes of my life I can never get back, but it isn't thankworthy."

He chuckled, making a face.

"Honestly, filling in for Barbie was the least I could do since you've been such a good friend, I really mean that. You and Korin are the first friends that I can actually remember having. When I was a child people would flock to me because I was a prodigy or because they wanted to be seen or wanted something from me. You two didn't. Aside from the fact that you are in love with me, you're not a bad guy."

"It's hard not to be in love with you," John said, that wasn't the response I was looking for. "But as long as you are in love with my little brother, I will just have to watch from the front row."

I rolled my eyes and he chuckled, finding himself amusing.

"Think anyone will be interested in me?" he asked, changing the subject.

I caressed his head. "It doesn't matter, Johnny Boy. All of the good production companies are in New York. Just have patience and fun, and you'll get there soon enough."

"You think so?"

"Of course," I said. The least I could do would be make some introductions for him.

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