Chapter Twenty-Four

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Why not...

Glue quarters to floor in the hallways at school

Dance naked in the rain

Teach senior citizens how to roller derby

Sleep indoors under the stars

One of the things that I admired most about my little man was that he gave me everything I wanted no matter how absurd or asinine it was. It may have taken seventeen years, but for my seventeenth birthday Korin and John taught me to ride a bike...

Attempted to would be the better description.

I took out a small portion of decorative fencing, the old couple walking down the sidewalk had to tuck and roll as they dove for safety, a flock of plastic yard flamingos met their untimely demise, and my anything but graceful fall was broken by the freezing water of a pond.

It was a unanimous decision that I was deadly on a bike, thus I would be kept off them moving forward. In the future, if I want to utilize that means of transportation, I'd have to ride on the handlebars and let one of my boys drive. Korin was cracking every joke possible while he clicked pictures of John pedaling home the vintage pink, white and silver bike Korin had gotten me for my birthday with me on the handlebars shivering.

After a hot shower and a latte, we headed to dinner for my birthday.

Birthdays weren't something I had celebrated since I was a kid, unless of course you count the staff at the asylum putting a candle in a donut then singing to a heavily medicated and nearly catatonic, drooling on herself as she was strapped to a chair to keep her upright, girl a birthday celebration. Even before Mom and Dad died, birthdays weren't really something we went all out for. From what I was starting to remember, I was a very busy child with a performing schedule that rivaled that of any rock band on a world tour, and during the down time I was spoiled with gifts, toys, and whatever I wanted to preoccupy myself with, thus waiting for a birthday wasn't practiced.

Sadly, Korin threw a complete hissy fit like a damn girl that had her pony taken away until I agreed to humor him with whatever he was planning for my birthday. Honestly, I was too tired to argue or fight with him any more than I already had; the little fucker was stubborn! The medications Dr. O'Shea had me on to help clotting and my cell count made me ridiculously tired. Thankfully they didn't make me crazier than I already was, and I wasn't missing chunks of time—that happened before with a medication regiment they tried when I was younger—and am still able to create. I just slept a lot more than I would have liked. Korin didn't complain though, he should have since I was sleeping most of the time. Instead he simply crawled in bed, or on the floor depending on where we were, with me and held me until I woke up. Sometimes he slept, other times he watched movies or read, but each and every time I woke he had a smile on his face, and that made it one of the most romantic things in the world in my mind.

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