Chapter Twelve

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Mission Impossible:

Don't get into a fight

Survive eight hours of school

Try to keep from ripping Korin's clothes off

Address Paris like an adult...definitely mission impossible!

Was it bad that I sat there with a smug, shit eatin' grin on my face while Korin was up on stage masterfully playing his trumpet? I was definitely suffering from at least four of the seven deadly sins: cupidity, luxuria, invidia and superbia.

"Pretty impressive, huh?" John whispered, leaning into me.

"Isn't that the hottest little thing you've ever seen?" I purred.

He laughed, shook his head then knocked into me softly.

"I'm serious. If he was only wearing Spiderman or Transformers underwear while performing, it'd be perfect!"

John groaned. "You're seriously crazy! He hasn't worn those since he was like seven."

I looked at him and smiled wide.

"Okay, that sounded gay," he admitted.

"No that sounded like a felony in 43 states," I corrected.

"Whatever," he snorted.

Someone shushed us, so I pretended to button my lips.

"So what's the deal with you two?" he whispered.

"For the last time, Johnny Boy, you are too damn tall. Besides, I like them pale and pasty, slightly depressed, and a tiny bit crazy."

"You two are perfect for each other, but I beg of you, don't hurt him."

My head snapped towards him. "I'd never!" I hissed, a little too loudly getting more shushes from those around us. "Why do you think that Paris has to get a haircut?" I smirked, cocking an eyebrow.

"You didn't?" he gasped.

"I did. That bitch will think twice about trying to cast my little man as a toadstool or leprechaun," I informed him, bobbing my head.

John shook his head with a smile.

When Korin was done, John and I stood and applauded, whistling loudly.

He rolled his eyes, not-so-subtly flipping us off while he scratched the side of his head, from center stage.

"Encore! Encore!" John called out loudly, getting a mocking face in return.

When Korin joined us, he punched John in the arm before planting a kiss on my lips.

"What'd you think?" he asked with a face-consuming smile.

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