Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Get out of my head:

The Macarena...seriously, what is wrong with me?

The image of John and Micha kissing

Thoughts of Suicide

My preference to the colors blue and brown together

In two weeks we'd be hopping on a plane and flying across country to New York. Jay and Erik were going with us, as was Brandon and John, but that wasn't deterring me from planning a few romantic outings for just Micha and I.

I honestly hadn't been this excited in a long time.

Plus, today was my birthday. I was now seventeen, hadn't a care in the world, and had the love of the most beautiful girl I had ever known.

Life was perfect.

"'It was the same dark place as ever: every room dismal and silent as it was wont to be, and every ghostly article of furniture in its customary place. The iron heart of the grim old clock, undistributed by all the noise without, still beat heavily within its dusty case; the tottering presses slunk from the sight, as usual, in their melancholy corners; the echoes of footsteps returned the same dreary sound; the long-legged spider paused in his nimble run, and, scared by the sight of men in that his dull domain, hung motionless on the wall, counterfeiting death until they should have passed him by.' Dickenson's Nicholas Nickleby," Micha said loudly, answering whatever the instructor asked.

I really wasn't paying attention.

"Correct as usual, Micha, thank you."

I looked over at her and smiled. I loved it when she showed up the instructors and everyone else.

Today she was dressed as Communications Officer Lieutenant Uhura of the USS Enterprise, the original Star Trek series: she looks totally do-able. If it wasn't for the dark circles under her eyes, she'd be picture perfect. Ironically I have matching dark circles from lack of sleep, but for a very different reason I suppose. Micha hadn't been sleeping well, and even though she was beyond exhausted, she couldn't sleep. The medications Dad had her on were apparently making her sick now, she had been throwing up a lot after taking her pills, forcing her to take more, which just caused the cycle to repeat until they stayed down. I hadn't been able to sleep since having a horrible nightmare about John and Micha together. It still makes me sick to my stomach to think about. The dream upset me so much, that after I had it, and saw John next, I punched him in the face. Afterwards I explained why I hit him and apologized as I cried. Thankfully he laughed and said, "Nice shot, little buddy."

Once class let out we were going to take off for the day. Micha and I were going to graduate early because we were bored, Dad was pissed about it, which wasn't a big surprise, and we were planning a trip to Europe for the summer.

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