Chapter Twenty-Two

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Does the term "what goes up, must come down" apply to:



Seagulls full of Alka-Seltzer


I couldn't find a damn thing since Korin took it upon himself to clean my room. What in the hell was he thinking? Everything had a place. Just because he didn't understand it or couldn't make heads or tails of it didn't mean that gives him the right to untangle the organized chaos, which was my work environment. My gallery and workspace were impeccably organized, as was my loft at school. Home was the only place I had that I could just throw shit everywhere and not worry about it, and he took that away from me.

"Jay, have you seen my vintage black Chanel dress?" I called out from the top of the stairs.

"It's at the cleaners. Jung was closed today due to some family emergency. Sorry, Sweetheart," Jay called out from the library.

"Damn it!" I yelled, storming back to my room.

I didn't want to go to a goddamn gallery opening. I didn't want to be taking the regiment of pills they had me on now. I didn't want to be stuck on restricted duty even though Dr. O'Shea regrettably informed us that I had a clean bill of health from a surgery aspect. The blood disorder aspect was a work in progress. The medications and doctor appointments were making me irritable and extremely moody. I've been a raging bitch for weeks, more so than usual. All I wanted to do was stay home and watch horrible Aussie B movies... With or without my midget I hadn't decided. He was annoying me.

For the past three weeks, since waking up from a nine-day coma, everyone had been walking on eggshells around me, and I hated it. That was one of the reasons why I never told people about my damn blood disorder. It never failed, once they knew, they got all weird acting and treated me as if I was made of glass or was going to break at any moment. That was the last thing I wanted, weirdness. But more importantly, I didn't want weirdness from Korin.

Korin had changed so much over the past month that it terrified me. He was even talking to Dr. Joyce! What in the hell was that all about? Was my first love, my first romance, hitting the skids already? We didn't even have sex!

When we got to the gallery it was packed, which was surprising for a holiday weekend in my opinion. A lot of classmates showed up to show their support, so they say, but I knew they were merely there to be seen. I hid in the back corner hoping that my retro black nineteen-fifties inspired dress would keep me concealed in the shadows and away from the reporters covering the event. The only thing to drink that had alcohol in it was champagne, which I hated, but I was feeling exceptionally self-destructive that evening, so I was indulging in the French bubbly: mixed with my medications it would prove to be an entertaining night.

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