Chapter Twenty-Three

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Why did I buy this?

400 yards of bubble wrap

Celine Dion's greatest hits...seriously, what in the hell was I thinking?!

Magic Eight Ball

Infomercial Erectile creams: I don't care what the testimonials state, they don't work!

I stood there in the doorway, looking into darkness as the woman I loved ran away from me... Abandoned me... Broke up with me!




"What in the fuck just happened?" I asked myself, pushing my hands through my hair in frustration.

This wasn't supposed to happen, not like that...or ever for that matter! Tonight was supposed to be our first official date night. I had asked Jay and Professor Dixon's permission to take Micha out after the show for dinner, and as long as I got her home by midnight and we did something low key and not risky it was fine with them. It took me over an hour to decide which outfit to wear, another half hour to get my hair to do something other than lay there, and I can't even remember how long it took to pick out the pendant in my pocket that I had made for her weeks ago.

Instead I just stood there and watched Micha walk away from me. She told me goodbye then left me just like Mom did...

Micha wasn't my mother though. She was the woman I loved and wanted to be with until my last breath. I was sixteen years old, and I knew exactly who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with the moment she walked into my life, but I just stood there and watched her walk out of it.

And that I couldn't permit to happen.

"Micha, stop!" I called out, hurrying after her.

It wasn't hard to find her, when I entered the loft I found Micha standing with her back to me, high heels kicked across the room, her shoulders heaving as she cried.

For being the one to break up with me, she shouldn't be crying. She should be celebrating, I scathingly thought. I was young, stupid, in love, and was just broken up with by the woman I loved.

It made me act rashly to say the least.

I grabbed Micha's hand then spun her around to face me. "I love you," I yelled, causing her to jump, startled, and her eyes widened. "Sorry," I mumbled, lowering my tone. "I never wanted to do anything to hurt you. And the fact that I have," I said, shaking my head.

She opened her mouth to say something, to argue with me most likely, and to start that dumbass fight all over again, but I stopped her by shoving her against the wall then kissed her passionately.

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