Chapter 78 - Chelsea POV

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Chapter 78 – Chelsea POV

Why are you being so defensive? Mikael asks me as I make way to go to Angel... he's leaned up against the wall the picture of ease. I'm not Mikael – he interrupts me shaking his head.

He lost his mate Chelsea... I shook my head this time, how could I make him understand, any of them. Jay came here and he didn't ask if I was okay Mikael, he didn't apologize and for whatever reason Wolf is – I feel like they're – like I'm having a arm wrestling match with Jay, and Wolf just came and forced my hand to go in Jay's favor because he knows something I don't. It's getting to me, I came here, saw them all and I'm tired of fighting and being on guard. He nodded, remaining silent both out loud and his thoughts, just processing.

Wolf isn't a bad guy, but I've spoken with him... he really believes in what he is telling you Chelsea, so much so that after his first mate died, he remained unmated, hoping that like some others he would get another mate – No. If what he is saying is true, is what he believed, he should've stopped thinking that because he said it himself, he was under the impression that his brother Mac, his mate and child died.

I mean it just made very little sense to me, I know you have a lot going on inside, but you've gotta give Wolf a break... he isn't the one you're mad at, he said andI screwed up my face, mad? I wasn't mad at anyone really...

He just smirked, your words say you don't care that Jay is consistently being a jackass but your anger and resentment towards Wolf is only showing denial and displacement. You are angry with Jay, you're hurt that he dismisses you Chelsea and because you're afraid of rejection, you're giving Wolf what is meant for Jay. You're pushing against him, because he's around, because you know that he wants to help you...

Psychoanalyzing me Mikael? I smirked, avoidance Chelsea? He responded. I didn't answer, nor did he push which I really appreciated. Nodding I walked away wondering if he was right, was I actually angry with Jay? Had I been taking that out on Wolf?




With a tote of supplies for Ava and I, we head down to the kitchen, Violet waiting as Nona dished out lunch. With two trays, Violet and I go down to where Angel is with Greta. Knocking, we enter quietly, seeing Angel on the bed, clothed and her babies to the left of her sleeping peacefully. I run my eyes over Angel with the new information, the possibilities that she is in fact my cousin, seeking any similarities we shared.

Walking forth, I place the tray on the sliding table pushing it up towards her, sitting at the foot of her bed, pulling Ava onto my lap. Angel looks bewildered, but says nothing, private or out loud. When her eyes flicker between Ava and I, I wait to see if she will say something... anything. She doesn't.

"Angel, this is my daughter, Ava. Can you say hello, baby?"

"Hi," Ava says in what is meant to be a quiet whisper, but definitely not, "babies?" she points at the lifted bed with the three sleeping newborns.

Angel nods smiling, "Mine," she says with as much pride as I had in my voice when I introduced Ava.

"Olivia," she points, "Rus-tee," and the last little one, "Cat-a-lena," her voice still hoarse.

"Babies sleep, Ava awake," my little cutie points out. Taking the covers from our lunch, again Angel only picks up her spoon after Ava and I. I find her behavior all together strange but neither Violet nor I make a comment. I read her thoughts and I'm astonished by her truly, she... the way her thoughts are processed. She is constantly reminding herself of rules, even now she already added all of what she needs to do with the babies. They – her thoughts – were short and simple. Things in her mind are simply black and white, right or wrong.

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