Chapter 81 - Chelsea POV

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Chapter 81 – Chelsea POV

Darren Evan's was watching his wife and son with wide shocked eyes, impossible! He thought, whipping his head back and forth between Cody and I.

"C-Cody?" his word so low, I doubt he heard them himself but Cody, whipped his head in his fathers direction, smiling, "Daddy?"

"His hearing, strength and speed, are all enhanced..." I said the Davis' and Evans' just gaping, between Cody and the rest of us.

"Cody, can you push the chair that Grandma, your Aunts and Uncle are on?" I asked him, returning his smile. "Mommy lemmie go," he whined, butt naked he ran around to the side of the sofa and grunted pushing the chair a good two or three inches, stopping looking around. Turning his head up he sniffed the air, Livvy here? He thought following his nose, her scent to the blanket she was on earlier.

Nona left for a bit returning with clothes in Cody's size, handing them to Dana, who was still crying. She stood, handing the clothes to McKenna and walked right on over to Angel.

"You – Thank you," she blubbered hugging Angel who wrapped one arm around Dana while holding onto Russell.

"Why is mommy so crying?" Cody whispered loudly, the Davis' laughed they themselves in tears. "He's – he's really okay?" Dana asked me, coming to stand right in front of me, her eyes still holding a bit of disbelief that they little boy four feet away was really healthy.

"Yes, his tumors are still there, or smaller than they were before," I paused, "my blood should have shrank them, but if you give me his latest scans, I should be able eliminate them altogether," I shrugged, nodding.

"How – how – this – do you know how many lives you could save!?" Darren asked me, a bit of bitterness in his voice, "Amara... you could have stopped, saved her baby!" Dana gasped shocked, a sneer building, at her own husband. "You let her walk out of here when you could have-"

"Darren... shut up..." Dana said standing straight, her arms folded across her chest, glaring at him while Cody was occupied by his family, smiling, trying to hold his attention. From his thoughts, I could tell they were failing. All Cody wanted, was to find his Livvy, his wolf eager to see his mate as well.

"No this... this is the reason why the government – they confirmed their existen-" I glanced at Gabriel, his eyes narrowing on the human. Before this got out of hand, "YOU WILL NOT SPEAK OF WHAT HAPPENED HERE TONIGHT. YOUR SON WAS SICK – HE IS NO LONGER SICK," I told him.

"What happened here tonight?" I asked again. Darren blinked, and then again before answering, "Cody was sick, but he isn't anymore," Dana inhaled, gawking between Darren and I again, turning to her I smiled.

"Now, let me tell you about medical occurrences," I waved my hand, sitting down, Dana and Darren followed, "if Cody gets hurt, like the cut on your husbands hand, it will heal like that, avoid big scenes and remember he has increased strength as well as hearing. Loud music to you, will be extremely loud to him..." I continued giving them all the different information I could. It would be different I think, from the Cody they knew and the Cody that I changed... Jack left, returning with basic medical equipment, checking heart rate, blood pressure, temp and showing the Evans and Davis' that his changes there as well.

I breathed in relief when everything finally checked out, when I knew he was safe that I hadn't taken his life permanently, nor did I think of the truth of the fact.

Wolves could only be changed if I was the one doing it, if my third wolf was doing it. What's your name? I finally asked. It is not the right time to tell you she replied. I remained calm, hating that we were back to this secrecy again when it came to my wolves. Wolf, Aria corrected snickering.

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