Chapter 84 - Chelsea POV

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Chapter 84 – Chelsea POV

"It's okay," Nona said as she rushed out of the ballroom, Nonno hot on her tails, pulling Mylene off of Remy. Jack following ran straight to Remington who still on the ground near 15 steps down in front of me while I looked on in shock. I didn't know what was worse, Remy's condition or Mylene and the blatant lie she just told. 'She just – just fell down the steps.' Was she serious, the stairs were over six feet wide?

Acting quickly, Jack scooped Remy up, but when Victor made way to follow I finally moved, fly down the stairs angrily, "This. Is. Your. Fault." I gritted out, Gabriel and Victor stunned, but Victor took a step in my direction growling. Gabriel put his hand on Victor's chest, "Don't try me," Gabriel growled at his cousin, while Mylene hid her face sobbing against Nona's chest, eyeing the situation. But something caught my attention... her face... more specifically, her eyes.

"Why aren't there any tears Mylene?" I asked harshly, by then more people came out of the ballroom to check on the commotion, "You're sobbing like you're hurt! Where are the tears?" the venom thick in my voice, I was beyond patient, but this was too much. This girl was 12 years old, not some young innocent child that didn't know any better. Even Emmalynn knew she had to be careful around Remy, Ava as well, but this nearly teen didn't?

"My – she has nothing to do with this-"

"Are you freaking kidding me right now with this bullshit? Your daughter is like Satan reincarnated, she didn't see Remy fall, she pushed Remy which led her to fall," I said incredulously. Victor was looking between his daughter and I, shaking eyes flickering to wherever Jack took Remy and Greta, Violet and Nonno followed.

"That's not true Daddy, I was at the bottom you saw me," she cried out shaking her head, leaving on Nona's chest, sobbing, but there were still no tears. None.

"Yeah and that camera right there," I pointed up to where I knew Gabriel had hidden cams installed, "it saw what happened too," said eyeing her, when her eyes flew to the spot I pointed too.

"Would you listen to her heart race... caught in her own lie," I said mockingly but focused on Remy.

"What – what kind of mate are you? All week since she's been here you let this little child control everything, defending her endlessly while your mate suffers. You are the parent; she is a child, one that should already know her place in adult affairs. You let her rib comments on who Remy is daily, never being a parent, never making her apologize for her words or behavior. Instead you make excuse after excuse, taking the blame and each time all what you're really saying to Remy is that she's the one that created this mess when it was you and your stupid idea to live with her mother for years pretending... that scheme caused this," I was shouting now.

"Do you know how much you're hurting her? How much you've let your child hurt her?" I scoffed, when Mylene's cries turned above and beyond.

"You're crying is getting tired, TELL THE TRUTH, WHAT HAPPENED MYLENE!"

She turned to face Victor, "I pushed your little skank down the stairs," she blurted out instantly, Nona gasped her hands instantly dropping to her sides no longer rubbing Mylene's back soothingly.

"Baby? W – why – I don't..." Victor said confused, angry stumbling words and baffled thoughts.

"Remy is a good person-"

Mylene shook her head, "No she isn't daddy, I remember her from the dinner, she knew you were with me and Mom, that we were happy and she went after you anyways, she broke up my family," the truth continued to tumble out of her mouth against her will.

"She trapped you daddy, how do you even know those babies are yours, they could be anyone's, she had a baby with Uncle Micha."

"Mylene!" Nona gasped angrily, ready to chide the little girl, who was fuming openly.

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