Chapter 33

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A/N: Not edited

Chapter 33 (Gabriel POV)

I had only told a select few what I wanted do, how I would be doing it and why. The few that knew, well… they approved and supported me. I knew I wouldn’t get more than them, those select people but I was seeing that I didn’t need more than them. I had never loved anyone before, and certainly never said the words out loud. That’s just one more thing that I held against Maggie. She claimed she loved me, and all these years I thought maybe she did, but now that I know what it feels like, I could tell the difference. She was infatuated with me, and the pressure my father was putting on her only made it worse. I thought that maybe my mom loved me, because well that’s what they are supposed to do. Love their children.

She obviously didn’t love me enough, or at all. Kept my mate from me.



I needed to say the words, I had to tell Chelsea just how I felt about her, I hadn’t planned it but holding her close looking at her right now the words were strangling me. I simply had to say them. I had been feeling this way for a while, but with Chelsea, I knew that my actions would be more important that simply saying the words. To her, saying words to her, would feel like you were just saying words to her. No meaning, she needed the reference, the actions.

Max snorted, that’s not just her human, I think that’s all women

How would you know?

Well I’ve been with you since you were 16 human… every girl has wanted the same thing, your money, and the prestige that comes with being your girl. They’ve pretended that they were okay with you just using them for sex in the hopes that you would grow feelings for them.

I’ve never led anyone on.

No but they all wanted to be the one that got the great Gabriel Gavino to love them, Max thought dryly. His words confusing me…

So you’re saying I don’t love Chelsea-

No, Gabriel… as her mate we want to protect her, letting her into your heart isn’t something I could force you to do…



I looked into her eyes, not sure what to expect, quite honestly my hold on Chelsea tightened - She was a runner -  as the words left my lips, “I love you.”

I knew that she had feelings for me, I could feel them, see them, but the words, I knew I’d have to wait for her to be able to say them. It didn’t bother me at all that she seemed to be frozen in her spot, eyes wide and her body stiffened.

We were perfect for one another, I was told not to show my feelings, not to show kindness, punished for it by my father no less. But Chelsea, she never got it, but I’d give it to her. I’d give her all the love and affection I was refused to show, she’d get it and I couldn’t think of a more deserving individual.

“Your father is at the gate,” she whispered, her body never changing, just remaining still on me, of course he’d come up here, hopefully he brought Nonno with him. Even if it were brief I’d love for him and Chelsea to meet. I think he’d rather keep her than me any day! Wolf was the same way about his niece; I knew the moment I showed him Leo’s picture that he’d set out to find the bastard, rough him up a bit, before handing him over to Chelsea. I wanted my own time with him personally, after what I endured as her for no more than 48 minutes or so; I wanted to see if he could handle the punishments I’d hand out.

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