Chapter 53

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A/N: Not Edited.

Sorry for the wait I was having a debate with myself about if I wanted to continue this story with my original plan and what not... anyways read the end A/N for more informatiion,



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Chapter 53 – Gabriel POV


HELP ME GABRIELLLLL! HELP ME! M – I heard Chelsea, so loud I doubled over in agony.

Holding my head in my hands, falling to my knees still roaring out, the fury clashing with mental pain, black dots danced around my vision.

I will not pass out. “Call home now!” I told Saul and Rico, Max howling in my head, the pain hitting him hard, unable to link with anyone there, not even James. How was trying but couldn’t get through.

I will not pass out, “Chelsea’s hurt.” I gritted.

I will not pass out, I told myself over and over again, rocking until the pain subsided and I was able to stand on my feet. Chelsea! Chelsea! Sweetheart!! I pulled out my phone dialing Chelsea when over the mind link didn’t work. She didn’t answer, I tried Casey instead.

“”Fuck! Gabriel! Chelsea’s gone man-” my mind blanked. Nothing.

Eerily calm I reply, “Gone?” Max howls making it hard to concentrate, my vision tints, but my eyes appear unfocused, I take in the room.

“We don’t know what the fuck happened! There was supposedly a practice and we dropped Chelsea off, the same place as always since we aren’t allowed into rehearsals, everything checked out, Jamie went with her. We went in about 3 or four minutes later and found Jamie drugged and unconscious and no Chelsea, or
Madeline,” he was frantically speaking, all I heard was chaos. Just that.

He was explaining, saying words. Meaningless words that didn’t belong together, not as far as I was concerned.

Not wanting to alert others of my gift, I stay put, gathering information, because my father was involved and I wasn’t going to let him get away. It all made sense too, he brought my mother because he knew what was going to happen.




“What happened!?” I roared, the windows shook.

“Gabriel – your sister. She’s the one that called Chelsea, she said – she said she and Madeline wanted to do extra practice, even called others to come in as well,” Casey hurried to explain. Scarlet? Madeline? My eyes cut to my father. I stalked over to him.

Bastard had the audacity to look worried.

“Where is she!!” I roared, “You’re having Scar and Madeline do your fucking dirty work?” I grabbed him up. My hands around his neck getting hotter.

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