Chapter 17

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A/N: Taking a break from my project, thought I'd type something up quickly. Thank you guys for commenting and voting, and even though you aren't, thanks. I know most times people remain silent, and thats all cool... you silent ones make me aim to improve my writing all the more. 

So thank you :)


Chapter 17 (Chelsea POV)

 I crept back into my room, not wanting to wake Gabriel up, but still shocked that he didn’t wake up when Jamie came into the room. Unless he knew but just waved it off. I was surprised to see that Ava, in wolf form was with Gabriel, although not asleep just resting. As she heard my approach, like a true wolf, she lifted her head.

Morning baby… I said over the mind link and in no time, Nika was Ava again. Silently I walked towards her and offered her my arms, lifting her to my hip.

Ava moved closer still, sniffing me and made a funny scrunched up face, her nose twitching as she frown.

I smell huh? I joked, smiling when she nodded her head.

Walking to my closet, I grabbed some shorts and a shirt, panty and bra set and went to Ava’s room to shower. Whatever made Gabriel so tired, he needed his rest. He probably stayed awake all night to make sure nothing happened to me after not being able to wake me.

“Want to shower with me or wait?” I asked her.

“Bath,” she squealed happily clapping, as I set her down to adjust the water temperature.

Washing her first, and helping to wash her hair, once done she went to sit on the shower bench to the right of me, letting the smaller water head spray her as she babbled and I was pleased that her speech was improving in leaps and bounds.

“Papa read… white hat… pretty lights...” huh, more proof that last night was real. It actually happened, she must have seen the back yard I deduced; but I didn’t have time, because Ava continued with what I believe was a play by play of her night.

We had come up with a simple plan, as Gabriel’s mother had mentioned. Letting Ava have choices within those set times. Bath in the mornings, after brushing her teeth, breakfast, playing, school time were someone helped her get to where she needed to be academically.

“Violet bath, not momma,” she pouted momentarily, “momma no eat apple, make better,” she said.

“Ava eat apple,” she giggled covering her mouth with her hands, then lowering one to rub her stomach, “yummy.” And so it went on until I grabbed our towels, swathing Ava then myself, assisting Ava with her hair after she dressed, and then preparing myself.

By the time it was 9am, we were heading downstairs to prepare breakfast together. Pulling my hair up as I placed Ava on the counter, I began with the biscuits, having Ava help me with the simple pouring tasks, telling her what things were, doing so for the pancakes, and French toast, cooking different meats last.

After five years, I learned that if it was deemed healthy, Casey and Jack would eat bacon, sausage and ham for breakfast, Turkey, salami and more ham for lunch; and Steak, chicken, and salmon for dinner.

Just as I was stirring the oatmeal, and preparing to make fruit salad Jamie and Casey came down looking refreshed. Banged up… but cleaner.

“Need help?” Jamie offered I flicked my eyes over to all the food already prepared, and then back to him; pretty sure they all timed it. Coming down at the last minute to offer help but knowing full well that there was nothing left to prepare.

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