Chapter 76 - Russell POV

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Chapter 76 – Russell POV

I sat listening to Catalena who suddenly stopped speaking, halts mid sentence and out of nowhere has a remote control that she didn't have in her hand before. Not the first time seeing this I don't question it, already knowing that she would dodge the question anyways. Pressing and pointing she turns the television on to a CNN, and there is a video being played, no sound however we can hear the anchor woman speaking, pointing out that what viewers like myself are seeing is a human being shifting into an animal. She calls it a beast but to me, it appears to be a large jaguar. Then another man, morphs into a lion and finally there is a black husky sized wolf in the place of the large man that stood before in its place.

I take a moment – glancing between Catalena and the television... unsure of what to make of this and when the video feed is replaced with the anchor I listen with complete focus, "We've had many callers, so let's hear from our viewers... this is Mabel from Wisconsin... so tell us Mabel what do, you make of this?"

I sit stunned to my spot, unable to even so much as blink "For years now, I've told folks that fifteen years ago that my daddy was attacked by a human like creature that turned into a wolf when I was seven years old had people looking at me like I was crazy. Said what I saw didn't match with the evidence, that I was mistaken – but this, now... it hasn't been officially denied or confirmed, but it fits with what I remember. The beast that attacked us was a man first... he shifted into a beast and killed my whole family. I've exhausted all outlets trying to prove what I saw was in fact real, and had always thought that local police was keeping the truth from coming out. All I know is and can advise others is that if you see this transformation happen, think one of these beasts live amongst you, do whatever it takes to-" the viewer is cut off and I'm not sure I could force my eyes closed after listening to that. It's a struggle to even glance in Catalena's direction, but her face isn't passive or blank as I had come to know it, it was drained, devastated, horrorstruck.

'Not all like me or Angel, Catalena are nice like us...' I remembered Declan saying... was he – could he – was Angel a beast? I questioned, unable to categorize my sweet, docile and lacking any and all self preservation Angel as a beast. It couldn't be, why would – if she could turn into a savage beast – Angel never free herself, stay in the condition we found her if she could help it... help herself out of it? Declan and Catalena... it was the same thing for them as well. In two years I've yet to see Catalena so much as raise her voice, only doing so minutely when Angel was taken from us. A small part of my brain thought briefly, why would – how did Catalena know to turn on the television for this. And once again I silently place that thought, the wonder and question into the do not ask folder that over the last ten years with Declan had expanded.

"Sorry about that we seem to have lost connection with Mabel-" I started laughing. Hard. Until my stomach hurt, 'lost connection' was definitely code for 'she's crazy' and 'we need to cover our asses.' When I finally stopped laughing I couldn't really think straight, but instinctively my hand went straight to my tattoo, 'love will end us' thinking, questioning whether or not this had anything to do with my Angel. Would this put her in trouble if it were? Is that why she was taken? Question after question. Thought spiraling down the rabbit hole until I felt Catalena's hand on my own, rested on my thigh, "Breath Russell..." she said calmly, but firm. Nodding I inhaled deeply, holding it before slowly releasing. Doing so a few times until I am calm and concentrating on Catalena, my eyes burning into hers, neither of us speaking first.

"A-Angel?" I manage to choke out. Catalena remains silent, arching her brow in some sort of test, "would it matter?" she counters. It's a challenge.

"I need her." I answer, the words coming out before I could really think of a way to answer such a loaded question, "that's a selfish reason." She says after a moment, getting up and walking away.

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