Chapter 62 - Gabriel POV

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Chapter 62 – Gabriel POV

We had two men guarding the home of McKenna, Thayer and Vanessa; they were immediately able to catch the scent of one vampire and a very stale scent of five different werewolves. By guessing, it was more than a month old. When one of the men tracked the scent, it led straight to Rachel and Jeremiahs home before going to Russell Davis'. The stronger the scent was the closer it was to his home in the middle of the woods, but we didn't go any closer than 30 ft.

Circling once around the home and guest house we were able to catch the scent of ten more supernatural beings, four were vampires.

In human form we all headed into the woods tracking the scents; when we were 30 minutes into the search Nonno, Marx and I caught scent of decomposing bodies. Tracking that, we stumbled across a fresh grave, maybe only a few weeks old, then another.

"Remy," I said my phone calling her system, "we found graves check for missing persons within 100 miles of my current location," I ordered. We didn't want to leave any forensics behind but we smelled vampires, Angel thought of Vampires, Nonno and I believed they may have left a trail.

A trail of decomposing bodies.

"Got it," Remy replied.

"It's not this Catalena person, that's for sure," Marx noted and he was spot on, we had her scent near each of the homes, it was strongest near the guest house by Russells home and it was nowhere near our location now.

"Okay, so Gabriel," Remy started and I didn't like the tone in her voice, "two small children were abducted while hiking with a family. Ages 11 and 12, both male and get this, both are AB blood type. So I ran that against different states because in PawPaw, Michigan two months before these kids went missing two more went missing over 100 miles away from a backyard camp out, they have no leads and bodies weren't found. Those two children were also AB," Remy paused and I heard her giving Lee an order.

"After searching other states, I found a few other cases Gabriel, children also AB with no leads, in Indiana, Wisconsin, Colorado, Montana and two cases like this in New York, Atlanta and Chicago. Missouri, Boston, North Carolina and Nevada, well they have three or more unsolved cases just like this, children with AB blood types missing, no leads, none," she stated.

"Those are humans, are there any werewolves on the registry that match that?" Nonno asked but Remy heard.

"Yes. Two girls from the werewolf group home in Ohio went missing. They are both AB, one is nine the other is twelve, sisters. Registry says that they can't conclusively say when they were taken, but placed May 9th 2014."

"Just that case?"

"No, a pack in Europe has two missing children, same blood type, one boy the other a girl, the Alpha said he believes they ran away."

"In Quebec a rogue family of ten reported a new born daughter missing."

"Texas, same situation as Quebec but this time it was two brothers, one four years old the other seven."

On a case by case situation this wouldn't raise any flags but separately this was big – "oh my gosh Gabriel! You aren't going to believe this! In South America, specifically Uguguay the pack there, well there are two packs there are the red fox wolves and gray wolves. Well the Pire Pack, they had only 80 or so in the pack. They had 15 men-"

"Remy less factors more relations to the main problem," I said strictly, the others chuckled, but Remy had a way of going out on the random tangents.

"Sure, well between the Luna and Betas' mates there were a grand total of 40 children. All adults were killed, none of which were drained, but from the 40 children, eight were able to leave and 16 were killed nine of them had AB blood type and the rest weren't found," what the hell?

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