Chapter 31

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A/N: Not Edited. dedicated to>> Kayy_B so glad you're back :) 

Chapter 31 (Chelsea POV) 

As I pushed food around my plate, putting fork full bites into my mouth when I knew someone was staring, I thought about how close someone had to come to clone my phone. I mean how close or how far can one be when cloning it? A few feet? A block away? I began wondering if I had dropped my guard too low? Became complacent and preoccupied? I mean I trained every morning, went to school, dance, worked on my pieces for the art show in December, rehearsals, hanging out and going out with Gabriel, sometimes with Ava, then trying to spend as much time as I could between all the other things with her.

I still trained as hard as I ever had- no that is not true… I didn’t have much going on in New York. So I trained, but had I stopped using all my senses? Checking for scents? Had Aria and Avena taken too many steps back? Was I no longer self-aware?

I reflected over the past weeks, again and truth be told I had been reveling in happiness. All the things that took up my time, and now I just realized that after not getting another text I hadn’t really thought about Leo in almost six days. All of a sudden a cold sweat took over and I was cold to the bone, and I tuned the room out. If I had been more aware, could I have pretended tonight? I say looking at Ava snuggled into Casey, still in bloodied clothes.

 It wasn’t your fault Chelsea Aria thought, you can’t see the future, and it clicked.

“But Ava can!” I shouted, my chair falling to the ground, the fork in my hand as well, the sound frightening Ava, waking Casey and everyone else eating, stopped.

Ava lifted her head, yelped and burst out in tears of exhaustion, Casey was still recovering, but was still trying to comfort her, but when it didn’t stop I walked right over, and took her in my arms. Cooing and rocking her, realized it was more than that though, the noise, her eyes were wild.

When her breathing evened out I looked up to see questions in eyes, but no one said a thing. Just watching me warily like Gabe had earlier.

“I’m not sure but I believe Ava knew that we would be attacked,” my revelation met with different expressions. I know they all knew she could make a barrier but I thought she could do that, as well as see what would happen.

“Why do you?” Gabe asked carefully.

“For the past three or four weeks, when I wake up and check on her, she has been in wolf form over 5 times,” I said seriously.

“And?” Zeke probed.

“I believe she does her shield gift only when she’s in wolf form, she’d have no reason to do it when she’s home, unless she’s in danger, and she isn’t,” I thought about it, “she only shield Casey, Gabriel, herself and I. What dreams could she be having that makes her want to shift? She’s dreaming of Gabriel, Casey and I getting hurt?” it was all making sense to me.

“That’s- that’s,” Gabriel tried to say something but he seemed to be sending a frantic glances over to Jack.

Zeke snorted, “Chelsea, what your mate is trying to say dear – and failing I might add – is that, what your suggesting is a far… leap.” I shook my head, “No. She has no reason to shift at night, unless in her dream she was being hurt or afraid-”

“She could be dreaming anything-”

“No! I’ve-“ blanked for a moment, “you know what, never mind,” I decided against going any further. Wanting to argue my point but having Greta and Zeke there was a perfect example of having to edit myself.

“Chels-” I shook my head.

“No, you’re right, if my theory was correct Casey would know, feel it. He’s her mate… have you?” I turned and trained my eyes on him but all he cared about right now was sleep. Absentmindedly Casey shook his head, closing his eyes, “How is she?” he slurred. See? He gets shot but only worries about Ava.

Like Gabriel is with me… I thought.

“Good, she worried herself to sleep about you…” I said standing, “Thank for cooking Greta.” I said carrying Ava up to her room and starting a bath.  I knew she was tired, but I just wanted to wash all the blood off, so while she was nodding off I bathed her, changed her clothes, and tucked her in all before Gabriel came up.

Crossing the room I went to him on the sofa, sitting on his lap just resting, “I was worried. So much Chelsea, my heart stopped I swear,” Gabe whispered roughly.

“Why- why didn’t you tell me about the text Chelsea?” the hurt was back, or maybe it had never gone.

“I think because I’m happy…” I whispered.

“That makes no sense,” he said after a while, “but… it does too you, so can you explain?” I sighed happily, he didn’t write my feelings off. That was a big deal to me.

“I’ve been happy… it was selfish, but I guess, I just wanted more of Ava, you, dance, art… all the things that make me happy,” I shrugged, “I think I just wanted to ignore it because it could cause ripples in my happy.”

“I understand. When you were hurt in Fresno, I said the same thing to Marx, I feel like I’m on a clock and I’m running out of minutes,” he murmured pulling away, and facing me towards him.

“You can’t keep that kind of thing from me Chelsea, not again. I can’t protect you, if you’re not being up front…” his heart was beating fast, he seemed so nervous as he cupped my face, his thumb gently stroking my cheek.

“I need you to be safe, be-because, I love you, so much, and you mean” he closed his eyes shaking his head, his eyes blazing when he opened them again, “you mean more to me, and I know you might not be there yet and that’s okay. But I love you, not because you’re my mate, but because you are by far the most beautiful, caring, intelligent, woman I’ve ever met.  You calm me when I didn’t even know I needed to be, you always take my breath away and my heart races for you and you alone Chelsea.” My lips parted but couldn’t speak, or say anything. He loves me. Really truly. His eyes not leaving mine, and all I saw was hope, love and peace.

My bottom lip trembled, and I knew it was time, I had to be honest now, tell him everything, about the dreams, the gifts, everything.

Chelsea Gabriel’s father and grandfather are at the gate, Noah said over the link, making me break our connection.

“Y-your dad is at the main gate," comes from my lips instead of what I'm sure he wanted to hear. 


Do any guys read this story? I ask because someone sent me a message two chapters ago saying Gabriel wasn't manly or Alpha enough. SO whether you're a guy or girl... let me know if I'm making Gabriel sound like a suspy (the letters are jumbled just incase you dont figure that out lol) 

IN OTHER NEWS!! HE TOLD HER HE LOVES HER!!! :) you guys think he really does? 

So vote (if you liked it)... Comment (if you have something to say & becuase I  love to hear from you guys). 

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