Chapter 87 - Victor POV

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Chapter 87 – Victor POV

We were all just waiting for Mylene to wake up; the Elders had removed her wolf a few hours ago, and I couldn't help but worry about her state of mind as a human alone without her wolf. Mom was sitting in the chair next to me, Dad beside her, Elder Caelum was taking away Art's ability to shift outside.

"She's going to hate me," I whispered hoarsely, there was no guarantee that Mylene would even remember her actions towards Remy; there was a good chance that she'd believe she was unfairly being punished. We had the video programmed and ready to show her in case; but even then, if she didn't remember to her it would be as though she was watching a movie of someone else. Not her own actions being shown back to her for confirmation.

"Do you think Remy would be willing to travel and join our pack?" My mother questioned me, catching me off guard. I turned to her, my father watching me as well, I couldn't even get Remy to look me in the eyes or open a door, why would she follow or join their sub-pack?

I shook my head, "That's not going to happen," I'm stupid, but not that stupid.

My mothers' eyes filled with tears, "She's your child Victor... I know you lost one and have another with your mate, but you can't just forget about Mylene. She will need you too, you know how Art treats her, Mylene is used to having at least you as a parent care for her, truly." She wasn't lying, Art was never mother of the year material, she never changed a single diaper, or woke up for feedings even stopped after a week and decided we should use powdered formula.

My own eyes welled up, "Surely your mate will understand you need to be closer to Mylene," my jaw was clenched tightly; shaking as I refused to let the anger and sadness blink over the edge, slip down my cheeks.

"Ma, a week... seven days... that's how much longer Remy had before she would give birth to a beautiful, healthy, living little girl and boy. My babies weren't sick, or in any danger, I heard their heartbeats, I saw her moving inside on the machines, waving her tiny hands, seven days Ma. Remy wasn't like Art, she wasn't doing drugs, or drinking or shifting, nothing. She was eating healthily, sleeping the right amount of time, she was doing everything right."

"She wasn't running down steps, she had her hand clasped on the railing, going slowly down the stairs, and Mylene pushed her," I inhaled desperately holding onto my faked composure.

A few deep breaths and I continued, "Remy was terrorized by Mylene, her actions, mine too..." All my fault. "She wants nothing to do with Mylene, she doesn't want our child near Mylene, and she doesn't want to see Mylene. She isn't leaving Gabriel's pack and she knows too much info about him for him to be stupid enough to let her leave-"

"First she takes Fiona and Quinn, she's decided she wants nothing to do with Micha, won't let him even meet the little girl, his little girl," my mom sobbed.

I turn to face her completely, reaching for her face, holding it in place, wanting to see the truth, "Mom, if Dad cheated on you, then had a hand in the slaughtering of your entire family, left you pregnant and vulnerable, could you forgive him for that?" her expression broke my heart, shattered, she couldn't.

"I can't leave Remy, she isn't making me choose between Mylene and her, and I created this mess with pretending and then still rushing things. I lost a daughter, Mylene is going to lose her childhood, teen years, no one is winning mom. Remy cries mom, sobs and she's in so much pain, I feel it deep in my chest, suffocating me. Before, Remy wanted her around, but now... when she thinks of Mylene she see's a monster. Mylene's wolf wasn't in full control of her mom, some part of Mylene wanted to get rid of Remy, of my children-"

"Uhh – hmm – daddy?" Mylene groaned, her eyes fluttering open and shut, her head turns to the side, "Hey baby, how do you feel?" I ask holding my emotions in, trying to not frighten Mylene.

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