Chapter 47

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A/N: NOT EDITED && goodnight everyone :) 

Chapter 47 (Chelsea POV)

I was at the stove spinning the sauce when my two favorite arms wrapped around me from behind. And just like that, the tension of meeting his great grandparents, Sabastian and Clara was gone.

“You’re gonna pay for that little snapshot sweetheart,” Gabriel whispered. Voice husky and deep. His lips right above my mark, the sauce I was stirring long forgotten.

“Goodness boy, stop molesting the poor girl,” a bright and chirpy voice said with thick Italian accent, to my right and it came from an older woman. Standing next to her, an older version of Gabriel. I would be blessed when he aged as I was blessed now.

“If I have to,” Gabe answered, pulling away a bit. “Later,” he whispered. Spinning to face, “Promise?” I challenged, not sure where all this bravery was coming from.

The woman barked a laugh, “Mi piace questa ragazza, il mio ragazzo.” Her words bringing a small shy smile on Gabe’s face. (I like this girl, my boy.)

“Chelsea, this is my Nonno Sab, and Nona Clara,” he turned to them, “Nonno, Nona, this is my Chelsea.” I did the polite thing and put my hand out but Nona Clara ignored that, shoved Gabriel out of the way to envelope me in her arms and her body was shaking. My eyes flashed to Gabriel, wide and unsure of what was happening. Awkwardly, I patted her on the back.

“There, there.” I said when I realized she was crying, and it was different that when Gabe or Ava did. I knew how to comfort them, but this was just bizarre.

“Caro rilascio la ragazza,” Sab said pulling his emotional mate away from me, leaving room for Gabriel to step right in. (dear release the girl)

“Bambino spiacenti,” Clara spluttered out, “cidispiace bambino mi perdondi.” (Sorry child forgive me)

“Nessun problema,” I answered quickly.

“You speak Italian?” Gabriel asked with a wicked grin.

“Among other languages,” I replied off handedly watching older Gabriel… I mean Sabastian.

“Later,” Gabriel said once again and Sab let out a deep laugh.

“Piu tardi, piu tardi. Questo in dopo sara piutt osto qual cosa?” Sab teased us. (Later. Later. This later will be quite something) but his smile dropped when he saw my left hand and instantly I was on the defense.

When Sab saw me stiffen he explained, “Gabriel drew this ring when he was a boy, do you remember Zuccherino? He said he had a dream and the girl was wearing that ring. I knew Maggie wasn’t the right one,” he said, accent thick like his mate.

“Children shouldn’t pay for their parents down falls and mistakes,” Clara said cooly. Geez… these had mood swings faster than I could blink, rocky temperament.

Wiping her face Clara sighed, “We got off on the wrong feet, I was just so overjoyed. We spent three days with our daughter, Camilla. What you did… seeing now and knowing you are the one that brought her that pure joy…” she shook her head again trying to fight her emotions. Sabastian just stood by her side, nodding his head.

Appraising me, “You are very good for my Zuccherino,” Clara said beaming at her great grandson, but it’s not like Gabriel would notice. All his attention was focused solely on me, probably making sure that I was okay. When at home, in this house, away from his family I believed that Gabriel was completely different, than when he was around others.

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