Chapter 43

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A/N: NOT EDITED... uhm... I'm probably gonna lose a bunch of readers because they'll hate the direction of the story... So to those that I may lose... thanks for reading up to here!!

See you guys at the bottom :)

Chapter 43 (Chelsea POV)

 After drying off and dressing we went to lie on our bed, I was exhausted, relaxed. Happy and alive. Whether it was my release or finally sharing my secrets with my mate I felt lighter. At ease. On my side, facing Gabriel, not speaking, gazing at one another, both comfortable I know it was time.

I'm going to show you something okay? I sent over the link, when he nodded I lifted my hand to his face and closed my eyes.

Concentrating I took Gabriel back to my complete show and tell before moving here, ignoring his gasps and growls when I shot myself.

I continued back to when Jamie was shot, what everyone was thinking and then Francesca hit me, nervous when I realized that what I would show him would be sharing the answers I had with him. The dream that has been plaguing me, that I hadn't shared with anyone, because truth was I only wanted to share it with Gabriel.

Taking us back, we stood at the side letting Gabriel feel it from my perspective as well as watching everything happen.

~+~+~+~+~+~+ flashback START ~+~+~+~+~+~+~

White. All white. That was all I saw when I opened my eyes.

No doors, no windows.

"Hello?" I whispered lifting my head; I was on a canopy bed, surrounded by down comforters. When I turned my head to the left, there were two people one I recognized, the other I didn't.

There was a man and a woman.

"D-dad?" I whispered, he-he looked like I remembered.

"Hey baby girl..." he said smiling and I just threw myself at him not bothering with the unknown woman or the fact that I was never one to act or behave this way. I didn't care, because I wasn't sure that I would ever have this moment again.

"I'm sorry he hurt you," I mumbled.

"No don't be sorry, he will be sorry," he said to me, I nodded, pulling away, returning to the bed facing dad and the unknown woman.

Really looking at her I came to the conclusion that she was truly beautiful, her eyes alone intriguing, swirls of soft blues and green, outlined by a deep forest green.

"Are you- are you my mother?" I blurted out. She smiled.

"No child, but I am everyones' mothers," she answered.

"Where am I?" I asked, starting to panic, did I slip into a coma? Had Francesca killed my wolves?

"I am the Mother Goddess and right now you are in the in-between otherwise known as the Hereafter, the place one goes after leaving earth, every Were comes here. You however are not dead; I've brought you here to speak to you. You, Luna, are the one person that has been created, and will be able to access this place and return others as well. You and I created this place together..."  The blonde woman tells me, while I think Francesca really did hit my head hard, no way was any of this real.

"The in-between? Hereafter? I created this place?" I asked skeptical.

Mother nods, "When a Were dies he or she comes here. When you come here pure and in the right, this place will be peaceful, it will resemble what you believe peacefulness to be. However when you come here in the wrong, this place will automatically become your very own personal Hell. This is where crossing over occurs. Here is where judgment is passed... sometimes... they never crossover-"

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