Chapter 30

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A/N: Not edited AND I'M SURE this has more mistakes that normal... just finished typing a paper and wasn't sleepy yet so i started working on this... but now I'm tired so I'm off to bed, enjoy. 

 Chapter 30 (Chelsea POV)

This is a warning.

This is a warning.

This is a warning. 

The words chilled me, and my body instantly tensed and blood cold, I tried to keep my breathing calm but they were coming out as heavy desperate gasps.

Chelsea! Chelsea!  Mikael was calling out in my head but I couldn’t respond. Earlier when all this happened for a brief moment, I had entertained the idea that this was payback or retaliation for something Gabriel or his family had done, but now, with this text, I believe I was sorely mistaken.

This was about me.

I felt Mikael prying the cell phone from my shaking hands and released a low growl when he read it.

Don’t worry about this right now Chelsea… we need to take care of this first… I’ll have the guy come here, and after we leave we will have a meeting, Mikael tried to comfort me. Squeezing my hand but it didn’t feel pleasant or bring me comfort as things like that did with Gabriel.

I had always seen Mikael as a god parents or friend of the family always helping Jason, with anything and now Mikael was that way with me. However, his comforting gesture didn’t feel right. No sparks or tingles. No calmness in my thoughts. Just awkward pats that felt like a wet blanket. The tension in my body remained. Never ending cycle of questions, ‘what if’s’ and ‘who done it.’

Leo? No he’d want to torture me, hurt the people I cared for, and then hurt me. A stray bullet could have snagged me, so no, not Leo.

George? No. Andrew and Ethan were there. Not George.

The people that ambushed Gabe, Andrew and Ethan? No. Tonight they didn’t aim at one target per say, and I still thought it would be Alpha and Luna Rosa. They wanted me and I knew it, even if Gabriel thought I was nuts. However, how was what happened a warning? They didn’t even try to come inside the place or anything. So not them either.

Maybe it was a warning to Gabe’s family… could be. Yeah, and you can heal, even if his sons were injured he probably thought he could count on you to heal them, Avena offered. Then there was Rian; she wouldn’t care if anyone got hurt as long as they got me. Too sloppy, unless that was the point; a fake out, and the real problem had yet to even come. My mind was going in circles; still locked in my thoughts, when Mikael realized his words were not working he stopped, and I didn’t even feel him pulling me out with Ava held tightly in my arms.

Chelsea….” Mikael tried again, pulling me successfully from my chaotic mind, then walked supporting me as we entered.

Detective Luis came to my other side trying to rest his hand on my back to help me alone, standing much closer than I appreciated, “Don’t worry miss, I wont let you be hurt anymore-”

And it happened, the one thing I never was strong enough to say to Leo, “DO NOT TOUCH ME!” I screamed the room of people all whipping their heads to the commotion. I pulled away from him with a glare, but that didn’t stop him.

“All these years… they’ve brainwashed you! Well you don’t have to be afraid any longer,” Detective Douche said, walking past the other officers, smug as hell. So much pride and self satisfaction that one, I had no idea how all three of us were able to pass through the door way with his head.

unconditional (BOOK #2) [TO BE PUBLISHED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें