Chapter 61 - Gabriel POV

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Chapter 61 – Gabriel POV

In my line of work, when I was training and actually working I had to learn to trust my gut, follow instincts because sometimes there isn't time for analyzing data and options. I wasn't too sure how or even why I had that weird dream, but the moment Remy said that they existed I knew I had to follow through.

I wanted Chelsea back, but I kept thinking about her dream she showed me and not just what she was to become but the small pieces of information, that her father said. The meanings between the lines, staying on the path she was, with the plans she had.

All the pieces falling in line, there was the Lore mentioning two wolves to change other wolves, and Chelsea had two but now, according to what I saw, Angel was a white wolf as well. Maybe she was changed into a white wolf, not one naturally like our mate Max thought baffled himself.




Within five minutes of searching Remy had been able to find the entire family angel was thinking of, Rachel Davis married to Jeremiah Davis.

They had six children, Becca, Russell, Vanessa, McKenna and her twin brother Thayer and the couple also had one adopted daughter, which they adopted when she was only a year old.

Kai and Remington were able to get detailed background portfolios on them and the entire family lived in Port Huron, Michigan. We knew where they grew up, went to grade school, high school, university and medical histories. If they had a cold or got a ticket, we now knew.




We knew that Dana now 29 years old was married to Darren Evans and they have a four year old son with terminal cancer. We knew that Darren had a little sister that dated Russell but they broke up over 4 years ago. We knew that when they broke up he moved to Europe and lived in the country probably because there was little found from that time. Until we got to the information on his nephew.

When Cody, was diagnosed with bone cancer Russell went back to the states, bringing Angel with him. As well as a woman vampire.

Catalena. For the most part we had deduced that they were all human, minus Angel and Catalena.

We could not however even with the entire information figure out why she was with a human family? Or what Catalena was doing with them either. I had millions of questions and needed the answers last night. We were going there and Casey and Ava would be staying here with Zeke, Greta and Nona, as well as Molly and Andrea.




We were currently waiting for a few men that Marx would be bringing along, unsure of what exactly we would be walking into.

When I let Wolf, Chelseas uncle know what was going on, he came immediately with Doc and Hunter.

Taking him outside he spoke first, "That little girl looks like Chelsea," he commented. "That she does." I replied, "Tell me about that ring you gave me?"

"I'm not sure we have enough time for that," he said whistling, avoiding.

"Well your mate was killed over it, I'd like to make sure mine doesn't suffer the same fate as well," I spat out quickly, completely insensitive but I wouldn't apologize for it, not when he knew I was right.

"Your mate is going to be the most powerful were-shifter to ever live, she's going to lead the Were's, and that ring, the Quintessence ring, is the spirit ring, there are five total, Air, Earth, Fire and Water."

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