Chapter 15

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A/N: Not edited, short as well.

Chapter 15 (Chelsea POV)

Opening the door, I was hit with a few things… the sight in front of me, the perfume, and the night breeze meeting hot water. Steam rising, roses and lavender, candles in the corner, lighting the room to amber.

Inviting and calming. Turning towards the sounds, I see that there is a sound on loop. Rain falling. I smile despite myself, ‘I love the rain, it helps me sleep,’ I told Gabe.

Then his words replay in my head, “maybe someday I’ll share this with you, when my control…” I blushed, smiling hard than ever. Closing my eyes I thought of the promise the words held; and pictured it while removing my clothes. As I lifted my hands above my head, I opened them, once again reminded that I was not in my own clothes.

I was in an old looking pair of shorts, and plain looking shirt; nothing too out of the ordinary really but it still shocked me. Gabriel, at dinner, the way he gazed at me, like I was wearing the most beautiful, priceless dress known to man. A prized jewel. I wasn’t though, the proof pooled at my feet.

He had a rough day as did I, maybe he hit his head… maybe he was sporting a head injury, I theorized. No… he’s a werewolf.

 Or maybe he looks at you that way because he finds you beautiful, because you are, or maybe because he has feelings for you… growing feelings… I mean he went to all this trouble Chelsea, Avena tried to convince me, saying things that were hard to believe.

I finished stripping, instead of heading to the tub; I went to the shower first, washing my hair and body of the days grime. I stepped out and pranced over to the tub, testing the water with my toes first, surprised that it was still heated. Slipping in, I turned the jets on, resting back the water leveled with my chin I hung my head back against the rest, closing my eyes, listening to the rain track, letting my mind just wander.



 Stretching out sighing I was immediately confused. Instead of feeling water and hearing the flicker of candles and nature soundtracks I heard snoring and two very calm, heartbeats, neither my own. Holding myself stiffly I inhaled deeply, my eyes snapping open, blinking a few times, before I turned my head to the side to find Gabriel flat on his stomach next to me. In the darkness looking down at myself I was in a shirt, not my own, and nothing else.

The last thing I could remember was being in my tub, resting my head back. I laid confused, how had I gotten here I wracked my brain trying to see if I maybe just had sleep brain.

Slowly I made way to leave the bed, pushing the light sheet aside, the clock to my left blinking, 5:17am. With my eyes closed, I swung my legs and instead of landing on plush, soft, thick carpet, I landed on a body. Immediately alarmed, my head whipped to look down, eyes wide but so was the previously sleeping individual who was holding onto my left ankle tightly.


Sorry! He exclaimed in my head, releasing my ankle he pushed onto his elbow to a sitting position. Grabbing the pillow and sheet on the floor he made his way out the door quickly.

What! The! Hell! I didn’t know what happened… and why was Jamie lying on my damn floor? Did Gabriel know that Jamie was there? If had something happened… happened… after we got home… no after the tub? I mean was there danger? No… I don’t think Gabriel would’ve been… calm, much less asleep. If anything I’d expected Jack on the floor next to my bed but not Jamie.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes, slowly my heart and sifted memories… I had fell asleep? Evaluating myself, I felt fine to me, refreshed but foggy in memories. Getting up I went to the closest, slipped on some running clothes and walked back out to see Gabriel, in the same position. Seriously… he slept like the dead! Then, again maybe so did I considering I only remember resting my head back and now waking up in bed.

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