Chapter 2

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A/N: Not Edited but also I'm not very happy with this chapter... I really feel like it was repetitive and may possibly make changes. 

Chapter Two - Chelsea's POV

The easiest way to distract an individual, especially one hormone driven 17 year old named Chelsea... kiss her; that is exactly what Gabriel did. Spectacularly.

Chelsea! Focus! Aria shouted in my head, forcing me to pull away from Gabriels lips. Waiting until he finally spoke. 

"I'll explain but first understand that the criminal organization is large, world wide Chelsea. There are other Italian crime groups, however we are the strongest, and my family has their hands in everything, minus child and sex trafficking."

"Nonno never wanted our family to be part of that world, human sex trafficking, or child slavery. Kidnapping young women and using then as sex slaves, prostitutes. None of that. Yet somehow my father gets involved with the Russian mafia," Gabe spits out like he has been personally insulted. His faced turned sour, lips puckered after a taste of something bitter. Shaking his head in pure disgust.

"We are ruthless as any other crime family but what they partake in is downright... I'm talking drug and firearm trafficking, bombings, smuggling, money laundering, but they go beyond that. Organ trafficking, terrorism, just think of the worst possible crime, place a price and they will carry it out," he explained and finally making me see, understand.

"But you guys do not?" I wanted that confirmed.

"We didn't use too. The Elders, the wolves the Mother sent to rule our kind, they brought dad in. They have been finding turned wolves and using them as nonconsensual organ donors and selling them on the black-market, to humans that-"

My head dipped, "Wait! The kids that are being turned that's because of the Elders?" I interrupted him.

"No. I don't know. I can't see them going to that extent. Still, my dad wants his hand in everything Chelsea because he wants control of everything. Wants all the bosses to answer to him, regardless of if they are human or wolf based," he continued still angry.

"Why would if matter if they are turned wolves or born wolves? And how did the Elders get your dad involved? Why would Elders be involved in the first place?" I asked from the million of questions I had nagging at me and it seemed that Gabriel had some answers.

"Do you know much about the Elders?" he asked.


"Well, first every 60 years or so they can change their skin, their outward appearance." I really didn't know anything; Jack and Casey had never really gotten into anything about Elders.

"The Elders have the authorities in their pockets... those that know what we are and let us go on as long as they get a cut. Humans that know the risks and possible fall out of our kind becoming public knowledge," he begins but questions invade my thoughts rapidly, one replacing one with another and one long look from Gabriel, he knows I'm confused. Who wouldn't be?  I mean, how can Elders meant to protect wolves, be involved in criminal activities? Especially activities that harm those they are meant to protect?

 The Elders don't see changed wolves as their responsibility... Aria says pointblank as if it's the easy answer.

"The reason they approved Chelsea was to protect our kind. Those that hunted us funded these attacks with dirty money. Werewolves, our kind, were rapidly dying, we got involved in different organization, evened out the playing field," he answered. Damn! Had I said that out loud?

unconditional (BOOK #2) [TO BE PUBLISHED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat