Chapter 85 - Gabriel POV

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Chapter 85 – Gabriel POV

When I wasn't thinking about Chelsea or Ava, or our Pack, Victors' issues I was focused on these people that Robert Delaney was associating himself with at one point or another... The people we had him in certain pictures with:

Tylane Breedor

Markus MonToya

Andrea Mayer

Donovan Callen

Brandy Leetore

Gus Monroe

Barton Spinks

Jerrold Hirsch

Hans Streeter

Graham Lamar

Demetius Boyce

Tobie Hanlon

Darnel Byteroe

Mel Babin

Breton Rylarde

Eveline Epps

DeAndra McIntire

Taner Drobeley

Domenic Chu

Barton Adamson

Ashby Jeffers

Larney Berdote

I gazed at the list as I thought over the names... trying to place them, thinking over the riddle Essie had answered me with as well as Samuel.

The same copy of the file I had given both Logan and Wolf in my office, I had my system, Kai, trying to get more information but the only thing we were coming up with were some cookie cutter profiles, and Remy was in no state to be searching.

What we – what I really wanted was to check these facts out myself, but Logan had volunteered to check out whatever Wolf and I found.

Kai – my computer system – couldn't find any reason why these paths would've crossed or should've. Which was frustrating to fucking end, and I felt like there was something I was missing, a puzzle piece I was not seeing correctly. I put the file away, locking up my office and heading outside to meet a waiting Victor.




Victor and I both got into the truck, James and David in the front and passenger side seat, neither men nor myself saying anything as we drove away from the hotel heading back to my fathers estate.

It had been five days since Remy woke, five days of the cold silence she gave Victor and five days since he had brought his child so the Elders could punish her for pushing his mate down the stairs, causing, leading to the death of his daughter.

No one wanted to be in the middle of this storm or had encouraging words for Victor as Remy edged him out of her life, keeping Emmalynn and their son away from him. "She thinks I can't protect them," he whispered into the silence, not stating anything we didn't already know.

We all heard how she felt when she said it once, he was supposed to protect her, their children but he failed. His child made her a nervous wreck each day and no matter how many times any of us had told him it wasn't a good idea to bring her around, he hadn't listened.

I sighed, "Can you blame her?" I replied dryly when James and David made no attempt to answer.

"I lost a child too not to mention whatever the Elders decide here," he said in an obnoxious pouting manner, whiny bitch Max added.

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