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Niall's P.O.V.

I grabbed everything I needed for my flight: my ticket, my passport, my suitcase, etc. Of course, I was nervous and a tiny bit frightened to see Zayn after over a year, especially since his reaction could be to call security on me, but I still had an ounce of hope. Hope for Zayn to be delighted when he sees my face. For Zayn to pick me up and give me the tightest hug he's ever given me, despite the fact that he's not like that. Well, all I can say is that time reveals all answers.

I walked out of the house and into my black Range Rover. The silence was getting to me, so I plugged in my phone to the car and played "Sleep On The Floor."

Zayn's P.O.V.

I woke up in the morning, realizing that my concert was only tomorrow. Yes, I've had plenty concerts with the boys, so I do have practice and should have nothing to worry about, but I was still jittery. It was really different from having four other guys on stage with me to being all alone with no one to sing with. I mean, I do deserve all the spotlight, though. After all, I was the most talented singer in One Direction.

A lot of people say that it's my fault that One Direction is falling apart. They say that it's not just a hiatus that they're on, but a permanent break. But really, we were bound to break up anyways. It doesn't seem very ethical to be in a boy band your entire life, does it now? They also say that the only reason I left was for my solo career, and that nothing was wrong with my relationship with the boys. But that is 100% incorrect.

Everyone thinks that the boys are perfect, and they couldn't be any better, but they weren't the ones that were forced to bond with them for five years.

Harry is a total attention hog. People think that he mindlessly attracts girls, but he tries. He tries a lot.

Louis is a drama queen and doesn't know when sass is not appropriate. Yeah, it's "funny," but it's also very irritating. I didn't like him from the first day we met and that never changed.

Liam is always taking off his shirt in public and showing off his stupid abs. He doesn't even realize that no one gives a fuck about his stupid muscles and that he should keep them to himself. It's not a super unique thing to have muscles, I mean, all five of us have them.

And finally, Niall. He's such a fucking crybaby. He's so sensitive and if someone says just one little thing, he'll burst into tears. He's better now, but back then, I didn't think I could stand it.

Do I ever feel bad about saying these things about the five guys that were the closest to me for five years? Nope. Will I ever feel bad about it? Probably not. But that doesn't matter anymore. I have my own life without four little boys that I'm very content in.

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