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'Oh great. He's not moving again.'
I looked over at the robotic friend of mine standing in the kitchen doorway, frozen in mid step. He was hold a glass of water in his hand but it was spilling over due to it being tilted over in his position.
"Google? You alright there?"
All I got back was a glare from the only part of his body that actually works when he gets like this. His eyes. He looks at me with a look that was begging for help so I got up from my living room couch.
"I've gotcha big guy," I say, poking fun at the fact that he was 6 inches taller than me. I was only 5'2" and Google stood at 5'8". I gripped his arm and took the glass from his hand to keep it from slipping onto him more than it was and placed it on the ground to my right. I reached for his left arm and attempted to get his arm to move to only have no luck.
He's been glitching recently. Almost every day now for the past two weeks actually. He'll stop whatever he's doing and freeze in place or if he's speaking his voice chip malfunctions and makes his voice sound crazy. He'll twitch every now and then as well which makes his body spasm and his voice to stutter but I don't think he notices. He's completely shut down once which scared the hell out of me in all honesty.
Originally, he wasn't in my care but in my aunt's. She, however, got into a serious accident and had to be hospitalized last month, so she gave me Google to take care of until she was well enough to take him back.
It was pretty weird seeing him on my doorstep that night but being the stupid idiot I am, I let him in without any questions. God would Auntie Sherry be mad at me if she found out.


I was asleep in my bed, getting over a small cold, when there was a soft knock at my front door. I groaned, and turned over to look at the clock on my little pink bedside chair container thing next to my bed.
"What even...," I sighed when the soft knocking at the front door got louder but not too much. I coughed and sniffled before getting out of my purple and white stripped comforter. The cool air in my room from the fan I had running didn't help.
'Fuck I meant to turn that off... oh well.'
I walked along the carpeted flooring of my decently sized house and walked down the stairs to the front door. It was too late to change into real clothes and look presentable so I just shrugged off the thought of looking nice for my visitor. I coughed again, groaning in pain at the feeling that shot through my throat.
I placed my hand on the doorknob and unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door with a frown on my face. There sat a man. Not standing but sitting. He was wearing a bright blue shirt with a pair of jeans with some running shoes. His shirt had a large "G" on it and it looked like it was glowing a little. His black framed glasses rested neatly on his face but it almost seemed like he was wearing them for show more than anything. His hair was a nice obsidian color and looked like the fluffy part of his hair was dyed a separate color but it was hard to tell in the dark. He wasn't facing me, and his stillness was concerning me a little bit. He wasn't sitting in front of the door but against the wall to the left of the door and on the edge of the top step of my porch.
I was way too tired to ask what the hell he was doing there so I just spoke whatever came to mind first, "Aren't you cold?"
The man looked up at me now rather than staring straight ahead like he had been. He had a pair of beautiful chocolate colored eyes that shone in the moonlight but they had this glossy look to the that made it seem like they were fake. He spoke in a smooth and deep voice that had a hit of a robotic tone to it, "I do not get cold."
I huffed, soon regretting it when my throats felt like it was on fire again. I shook the pain off before crouching down to be sitting at his side on my knees. My short blue rose patterned pajama shorts and thin white tank top made goose bumps spread all over my body when a cold breeze blew past us. I shivered at it but the man didn't even flinch. He just stared at me for a bit, not saying anything for a minute before speaking, "Are you cold?"
I almost laughed but a sneeze cut me off. I turned my head away so I wouldn't sneeze on the poor man but the force of it knocked me off my knees and onto my butt. The man reacted that time. He reached a hand out to catch the side of my head in so it wouldn't hit the concrete ground beneath us, "I believe that is a yes."
The man didn't say anything else as he used the hand he had under my head to push me up into my previous position. He stood up quickly, a slight whirring sound of machinery played out as he got up and took me with him after removing his hand from my head to be gripping my arm.
I would've protested but I was too sick and tired to even try. I wasn't sure as to why but I felt safe with him. Something about his voice was relaxing despite it's robotic undertones.
He helped me up before moving his arm down to grip around my waist. He kept me upright as he lead me inside my own house and shut the door behind him. It was almost pitch black in my house but he walked in as if he was completely familiar with my house's layout. He didn't run into anything or make me ram into things as he lead me upstairs to my room without even asking where it was.
He walked me into my room and sat me down on my bed. I flopped over, my head feeling heavy from congestion and lack of sleep. He pushed me down in a surprisingly gentle way to make me lay down before pulling the covers over me. I felt too tired to move so I just let him do whatever he wanted for reasons I wasn't sure of.
He settled me in quickly with a grumpy look on his face before commanding me, "Stay and sleep."
"Wait... but who are you? A-and what were you-" He cut me off as I began asking questions by placing his hand over my eyes to block out my vision.
I sighed before letting sleep over take my mind and I fell in a deep sleep but as I was drifting off I swear I heard him say, "I'm Google
IRL. It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)."

-Flashback end-

Yup. I let a random stranger put me to bed. Great job me. Anyway, I pulled on Google's arm harder this time but still didn't manage to get him to move.
"Google, can you move at all? Blink once if you can't move and blink twice if you can."
One blink.
"Ok, should we wait? One yes, two no."
He thought for a moment before his eyes looked both annoyed and downcast as he blinked once again.
"Ok. I'm going to go get a towel to clean up the water. Don't feel bad about it ok? It's alright. Spills are bound to happen. Happens all the time at my coffee shop."
Google rolled his eyes before looking me in the eyes again.
"Don't roll your eyes at me! Ugh, I'm getting a towel now."
I began walking towards the laundry room, not seeing Google's disappointed eyes follow me the whole time as I left.


Hey there! I'm NamelessVoice! But you can call me Voice. It's lovely to meet you all and it makes me feel even more thrilled that I posted this finally. I've been meaning to for a while. I plan to update every week but that could vary on how quick I write I guess.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do and I can't wait for the next chapter to get out because I enjoy making people smile when they see an update!

Feel free to comment! I love to read them and they help me know you actually like this series! Thank you so much!

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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