Anomalies and Green Haired Androids

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"I'm ID#2696...," they quietly responded, not getting out from behind the counter. There was a quiet static sound from behind the counter where the thing talking to me was.
"ID#2696? Wait... are you...," I slowly and carefully walk around the counter. On the other side of the counter was a man. Head his hands on top of his head. His hair was brown with the top part dyed green. His eyes were closed but he looked a bit older than me. Around Google's "age" probably. He had on a green shirt with a microphone symbol in the middle. It seemed to glow slightly.
'He's.... not real. It's another android... but why is he so scared... I thought robots didn't have feelings...'
He looked up at me as stared at me with bright blue eyes that seemed to glow as well. They're so pretty...
"Miss (Y/N)? Miss (Y/N) are you out here," I heard another voice sound from the other side of the room. I looked over and saw Google, looking frantic and like he was in a hurry. He spotted me quickly and ran over, not seeing the other android on the ground, "There you are. We need to leave. Now."
"Wait what- ow! Hey! Don't pull!"
Google had begun to pull me out from behind the counter to run but I grabbed onto the counter in protest. He seemed agitated.
"Google we can't leave yet! There's someone who needs my help," I said and gestured with my chin to the green haired android on the ground. He looked horrified. Google growled.
"We don't have time for this-"
"Yes Google we do. Ok Google," I began my command. He needed to let me go now. I'm not leaving ID#2696 here. And I'm definitely giving him a new name, "Let me go."
Google looked sad and released my wrist but acted as if the command hurt him. I say a quick sorry before walking back to ID#2696. He hadn't moved yet so I gently crouched down in front of him. I put one of my hands on his shoulder and the other under his chin. Google scoffed from behind me, clearly disliking my action towards the other robot.
"My name is (Y/N). I promise I'm not going to hurt you or return you to them. Whoever "them" is wont touch you again, ok?"
The robot looked at him with glassy eyes, he didn't show any emotions other than fear but there was a slight hint of wonder and relief mixing in slowly. He slowly nodded, "O-O-Ok."
His voice chip seemed like it was on the fritz but I can try and fix that later. I gently take his hand and help him to his feet. He's also taller than me but shorter than Google. Speaking of the devil, he stood to the side acting impatient and clearly angry at my actions.
I got him to follow me towards the door of the store before another voice rang out, "Miss wait!"
I turn around with ID#2696 to my left and Google behind me. He pushed me behind him and I dragged ID#2696 behind myself. The voice was Dave. The repairmen I had given Google to for a little bit.
"Miss (Y/N) will not have words with you. Good day," Google said coldly. He kept me behind himself protectively which made Dave tense up. But he freaked out when he saw the other android behind me.
"M-Miss please you need to listen to me. Your android has an anomaly in his system that could be dangerous to you and that other one has the same problem. They're dangerous! You're putting yourself in danger," Dave warned. I looked at Google and then ID#2696. My green haired android didn't seem to have anything wrong with him other than the fact that he was showing human emotion. Same goes for Google.
"I-I didn't notice anything wrong with Google other than his glitching...," I responded. Google shot me a look to say to be quiet but I ignored it to look at Dave who had a few other people come up behind him. They looked like lab techs and engineers.
"His glitching is a result of the anomaly. We don't know how to explain his problem but we need to take him and that one behind you into testing," Dave said back.
"But I don't want you taking Google or ID#2696 away from me. There's nothing wrong with them!"
"ID#2696 doesn't even belong to you...," Dave had me there. I don't technically own ID#2696.
"If I may interject...?"
A quiet voice from behind me sounded. It was staticky and the frequency was all over the place.
"If you were to give me a name and lock yourself in as my user then I can only answer to you. Thus making me yours," he pointed out, bringing up a small see through screen in front of him. It said, "Name this Android:_____" across the screen and then a small text box.
"Miss please... please don't-," Dave said, causing me to growl at him in response. I looked him over and saw the symbol on his shirt.
I entered in, "S-I-R-I." And then "B-I-N-G in as an alternative name to be referred to as. The Technicians and the engineers began to panic. Another small screen popped up that asked me to log into my Apple Account.
'So I guessed right then.'
He's an Apple Product. "Siri IRL".
I entered in my Apple account, confirming that it was me, before I was officially locked in as Siri's one and only user.
That makes him mine only.
The techs and engineers looked shocked that I'd done it but as the owner of the products I have the right to choose what to do with them. And I'm not giving them up.
Google looked agitated still, but thankful in a way. His arms dropped to his sides and he let me step out in front of him.
"Both of these are mine now. You can't do anything to them without my consent."
"But Miss-"
"No. I own these and they'll only listen to me. If something dangerous happens and it was caused by them then you can tell me I was wrong. Good day," I proclaimed, taking my boys hands and dragging them away from the store. Sure this may count as stealing but it's not like they can stop me. Siri won't respond to anyone but me now so there's no point in trying. Google squeezed my hand and took the lead to the car, holding doors open for me and Siri. He kept the car door open after I got in for a moment before closing it and making Siri sit next to Tiny Box Tim in the back while he took the front seat.
Once on the road home I begin thinking:

'What have I done... this robot doesn't belong to me and I just flat out took it home.... What do I do...?'


Hey! Sorry this chapter took so long! I had to deal with school and I couldn't find time. It I'm back now! I'd like to thank everyone who favorited and likes this story!
Quick note: The newest Android's full name is "Sirisepticeye" and was something I found online as another robot interpretation so I used it instead of Bing.
Anyway, thank you so much for reading!
Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye*

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