Welcome Home?

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"W-Who...," I began to ask but didn't get a very long question out before Sherry looked over and gasped. She was covered in bandages but looked relatively ok.
However, something about this was giving me the heebee jeebees.
Something isn't right here.
"(N/N)! My baby! Come here! I'm so happy to see you," She cried happily and held out her arms to get a hug from me but I couldn't budge an inch as I stared at the three other Google's in front of me. They looked exactly like Google just with different colored shirts.
"A-Auntie... who uh... who may these three be...," I asked and continued to stare as Google gathered himself before looking at me. His face set into a hard stare when he looked back at the other androids. The Google wearing red turned to me and smirked.
"Hello there, miss," He bowed, still looking at me with his almost perverted look. However, he was quickly mowed down by the Google in yellow.
"Oh. My. GOD! She's just as beautiful as you told us," He exclaimed with a excited girlish squeal. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out from Google's hold, making him tip over. Siri caught Google quickly and helped him stand upright. I could see panic go across Google's face as he began working faster to get his systems up and running.
I was pulled into the middle of the room where Yellow hugged me in a bone crushing hug. Red walked over and took me out of Yellow's hold before kissing my hand with a wink. The green one looked a bit shy and was still over by Sherry. She, however, pushed his back with one arm and made him step up closer to me.
Green walked up to me and smiled kindly, "Nice to meet you, Milady."
He's so polite...
My Google finally gathered what was going on and ripped himself from Siri's grip and stomped over. He grabbed me by the waist after having wrapped his arm around it. He dragged my back to his chest and took several steps back, having Siri stand next to him as a back up.
"Identify yourselves," He ordered the other androids as Siri took his place at his side. He had a sharp look on his face as he watched each one of them carefully. Siri clearly got a bad feeling about what was going on as well.
"I am GoogleIRL," They all said in unison before Sherry spoke up.
"Google, calm down. It's alright. These are all different models of yourself. Each one has different capabilities and expertise that you aren't equipped with. They're like you but not you. Each one I named something different," She explained by Google looked so hurt. Like he didn't trust Sherry anymore but now that I think about it...
She had replaced him while he was with me...
...How could she?
"Auntie... why are they here," I asked with a somewhat angry tone.
"(Y/N). I'm a programmer and robotics engineer at Google. I couldn't just leave my work at home," she told me simply and waved Green over to her. He obeyed without a single complaint as sat in the seat near her. He let her open up a panel in his back and she pointed at it, "I've been repairing and programming these since I woke up. Mark was with you so I had no one to mess around with. However, I don't remember authorizing a SiriIRL to be in your possession..."
"Siri is not the issue here. He's perfectly fine where he is. Who's Mark?"
"Oh! That's what I called Google in public so people wouldn't get suspicious. I was simply testing and fixing minor things in his code as well as fixing everything about his body to make his visually appealing but also look completely human. He isn't supposed to be released for another 3 or 4 months after all. Mark is a prototype. But these three are Alpha builds. These are the ones that are actually going to be released to the public," She answered and pat Green's shoulder.
Google looked horrified and held onto me from behind tighter, "So... why did (Y/N) tell me that you were excited to see me if... if you could just build three more of me...?"
"Oh! That's because I am! You are my prototype after all! I can't lose you. It's also because I wanted to access your memory bank and see what you do when left on your own without a master command. It was almost the perfect scenario. Considering my lovely (Y/N) contacted me about how you were with her means that you carried out a previous command that had been stored for the future. How interesting! I must write this down! Marcus! Bring that to me please!"
She pointed at a notebook to which Yellow, who was named Marcus, grabbed it and delivered it to her. He was jumping up and down excitedly as he gave it to her which got him a pat on the head before he sat down on the floor near the bed.
Sherry scrawled down some things into the notebook before she grinned, "You've given me some wonderful data today! Now Mark, meet your counterparts, Marcus, Marino, and Marron. These boys are like your... brothers... in a way."
Google looked less than pleased, and he actually looked furious. But I really don't blame him right now. I'd be pissed too.
"Auntie... I have a question..."
"Yes, My Lovely?"
"What happens to Google... when these three are released...?"
"Oh! Mark will be deactivated. I have the shutdown program for him. All prototypes have to be deactivated the day before the real ones are released. Now, I'm very happy you've taken such good care of Mark but I must ask you to pass admin ownership back over to me. I'm well enough to take him home when I'm released. Thank you for returning him to me. I'll also take that SiriIRL off your hands. I think he could be named Jack. He looks like a good Jack. Or maybe Sean fit's you better. Oh well I'll decide that later." She smiled but I rested my hands on the much larger and warmer ones that Google had wrapped around me. I rested one of my hands on the arms across my stomach and squeezed it comfortingly. I reached the other out to softly place it on Siri's upper arm that was very tense and trauma crossed his face.
He didn't want to go back there.
He didn't want to be experimented on and tested only to be deactivated.
Google and Siri are my friends...
My dearest friends...
I looked at the floor and closed my eyes for a moment before sighing a soothing breath and looking back up at Sherry with a sharp look that told her I wasn't going to be playing around.
"They will not be going anywhere, Auntie."
Sherry frowned and looked at me with disappointment, I'm sorry to hear that. Looks like this has to be done the hard way then."
"H-Hard way...?"
Sherry raised up her hand and snapped, "Sorry, My Lovely. Just know that this hurt me more than it does you."


New Chapter Everyone!!! Woohoo!!
I'm getting so much done with my stories! I'm so happy!

Bye bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye*

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