System Repair

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Mat stood up, dropping his prized laptop in the process, "I-I.."
Siri didn't give him time to run.
Siri's body frame is thin and small. While he isn't as strong as Google, he is definitely faster.
Siri gripped Mat around the neck, pinning him to the wall and lifting him up off the ground so Mat was choking.
"Explain." Siri demanded, squeezing his neck. Mat wheezed and tried to answer but his air was being cut off.
"Siri! Put him down! You'll kill him!" I shouted, starting to get up. I may be super mad and confused right now but I'm not letting my android have blood on his hands.
Google, however, stopped me.
He wrapped his left arm around me and pulled me back down. He pressed my back into his chest and held my hand tightly with his right hand. He buried his face into the back of my neck. I can feel his heavy breathing. He's trying so hard to stay calm. I guess I'm being used as a stress ball in a way.
Siri listened to me though and dropped Mat, pinning him to the floor, stomach down, using his foot.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I-I can explain! I promise!" He cries out in fear. I could see that he was tearing up.
Not wanting him to cry, I softly spoke up, "Mat... I trusted you... why...?"
"I-I needed to... for Steph..."
"Some lady... I don't know who it was but I got an email from some really high up person in Google. She offered me a job in exchange for something... the job was well paying... I'm sorry... if I had the job... if I had the job then I could finally have the money to get a ring for Steph... I could finally have the money to propose to her... I-I didn't want to hurt you...," He explained, breaking down halfway through when Stephanie got brought up. "I didn't go through with what they told me to do..."
"What did they want you to do?"
"They wanted... T-They wanted me to release a virus into his system that would shut him down forever within hours after download.... but the longer I spend around you two.. the more I realized that I was making a mistake... I rewrote a bunch of the code to make the virus less lethal...," he explained again, pointing at Google. "It's what's in him now. His lashing out and rejection of the virus hadn't been planned for... I-I didn't want you or anyone hurt! I just wanted the money so that I could finally make Steph's dreams come true..."
My heart breaks at his explanation. He only did it because he got backed into a corner that offered him the escape he'd been desperate for.
It does explain why we didn't catch it faster than this.
He mustve somehow uploaded it to Google during a day when Mat was looking at Google's systems for me. We trusted him totally and completely with Google and never guessed that he'd do something like this.
Siri looked sympathetic, lifting his foot off of Mat finally and getting off him.
Google's response was only to squeeze me a little tighter unfortunately.
"Can you fix him...?" I ask next.
"If you trust me enough to look at his source code. I can remove it manually," Mat answered the question, a terrified look on his face.
I think for a moment.
What if he's lying...?
But this is Mat... I understand his motivation...
Mat wouldn't never hurt me.
"I trust you."
Mat looked shocked by my response, "Really...?"
"Yes. Now hurry before I change my mind," I told him and he scrambled to get his computer.
Grabbing it, he opened a few files and typed a few things before picking up one of the cables. Siri was standing behind him the whole time, reading what was on the screen.
He didn't show any signs of concern with what he was seeing so I guess it's ok.
Mat handed me the cord, knowing Google wouldn't want to be touched by Mat.
I carefully spun in his hold, not wanting to aggravate his virus. I didn't look at his face since I could tell he was worried just by being here.
I looked at the open area on his chest.
There was a pale blue light glowing from inside and I felt safe looking at it.
That light was what kept Google functional and protective.
It's like his soul in a way.
A little pale, and a little small, but it's always there for me.
I carefully plugged in the cord I had, hearing him grunt when it was connected. I guess it felt weird.
I made sure that I was facing him the whole time, hearing Mat typing behind me and Siri making soft comments about some faster way he could do whatever he was doing.
Google wasn't looking me in the eye. It was like he was trying to hide from me. He almost looks like someone who is disappointed in themselves and waiting for repercussions.
"Why...?" I ask softly, hearing Mat slow down his typing.
"Why did someone ask you to do this?"
"The email I got mentioned something about Google being dangerous. I believed them stupidly. I saw how sentient Google is and figured that he probably could easily hurt you if angered." Mat starts typing again and sighed, "But, I was confused too. Google never once showed malicious intent towards you or anyone really... but when they offered the job... I started thinking more and more... 'What if something happens?' and I went along with it... I'm so sorry..."
I'm still mad that he hurt Google and indirectly put me in harms way... but... I can't be too mad...
He did it to protect me... and because he wanted to make Stephanie happy...
I think I can forgive him.
But maybe not right now.
"It's ok. I promise. I understand why you did it...," I told him, pressing my head down into Google's blue floof.
He twitched under me but relaxed soon after, loosening his grip enough to drop them down towards my hips rather than the earlier position on my stomach.
"I have the virus cornered. I'm going to manually delete it. The shock to the system of it being suddenly deleted might mess with them a little though. He'll be ok. It'll probably just be things like spasms or bursts of words or noises. It won't hurt. It's just his systems repairing themselves," Mat informed, pressing a button on the computer. "He might say his 'thoughts' out loud as well. Think of it like he has no filter."
Google lurched right after the button was pressed, tightening his grip on me.
I guess I'm some sort of comforting teddy bear thing for him.
"Shh.... It's ok... it'll be over soon," I told him, pressing my face harder into his hair to remind him that I'm here.
He nods, twitching again and letting out a noise that sounded like pain. His face wasn't pained though, it was more irritated so I know he's fine.
I put my arms around his shoulders to bring him into a loving hug, relieved that he was going to be ok.
He continued to twitch and lurch in my hold, tightening and loosening his grip with each movement.
He was mumbling to himself about different system repair rates but I felt him shake suddenly.
He tightened his grip on me suddenly and his head snapped up to look me in the eyes.
They were back to normal.
But that was the least of my concerns. His facial expression looked like he was pleading. He let go of my waist and brought his hands to my cheeks, cupping them and nearly shouting out a simple phrase that I didn't even know Google could say.
"I love you!"


It took 26 chapters but here it is. Out there in the open :)

Bye bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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