New Clothes

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It's been around a few days since Siri came to live with Google and I. He's such a little sweetheart but I have to teach him a lot of things that humans do.
I taught him how to get dressed and I've been teaching him how to cook recently. He seems to really like that along with small around the house things.
Google started to warm up to the green haired rascal over time. He was so worried about me that he'd just gotten upset with Siri.
They seem to be friends now.
Let's just say that attempting to explain that Siri needed to stay out of the bathroom while I was in there proved to be a harder lesson to learn than I thought it should've been.
Google had to drag him out of the bathroom by the back of his shirt.
Speaking of clothing.
The two of them need it.
And fast.
Google's been wearing the same thing for the last two and a half weeks and Siri's clothes are worn and old.
Luckily, my coffee shop just got a huge boost in sales because college students started coming to town so I have the pocket money to go get them clothing.
Size is the issue.
"Hold still, Siri!" I shout at him in frustration while my green haired android rolls on the floor, laughing.
I've been trying to get measurements on Siri all freaking afternoon but he either runs away or flat out starts laughing when I'm trying to get the measurements.
Google wasn't much better.
Sneaky devil hid somewhere while I was distracted.
I give up trying to control Siri and just let go. He stands up and scrambles off.
"This is hopeless.."
I know just what to do!
Throwing my measuring tape down in frustration, I run off to my room. I looked around and tried to find my phone.
I have a call to make.
I listened to the dial tone after I had dialed my dear friend's number. We'd known each other since we were little. Or at least, I was little.
I remember how we met. I was around 3 but he was 8 years older than me at the bright young age of 11. I had been playing at my park alone because my family didn't watch me well enough to see that I'd left the house. I was playing in the sand pit alone in the empty playground and the sun was starting to go down.


(Y/N) sat in the sandpit, getting her cute little blue dress dirty as she made a sand castle. Well, sand lump more like but it was a castle to her!
A bright blonde boy with shining blue eyes rode down the road past her park. He looked around and noticed the small girl alone at the park.
"What the-!" He braked quickly and quickly turned around, riding into the park. He slowed to a stop when he was just in front of the sand pit.
(Y/N) didn't look up from her castle. She'd grabbed a small stick to be the flag and placed it on top.
"I like your sand castle!" The boy said and put his bike down.
"You think?" She asked back and looked at him with a smile. Her little tiny hands helped her stand up and she looked at the boy, "Whore you?"
The boy gasped and shook his hands at her. "No no! Who are! Not whore! That's a very bad word!"
(Y/N) nodded, "I'm sorry!"
"It's ok... are you lost?"
"No... momma didn't come to the park with me... a-and papa had work... a-and big brother had school stuff..." She explained herself and fiddled with her fingers.
"Ah... do you want help getting home?"
"Y-Yes..." (Y/N) sniffles, suddenly feeling sad that she had been playing all by herself.
The boy picked up her hand and smiled, "Don't worry! I'll get you home!"
(Y/N) smiled and let the boy take her over to his bike. He helped her up into the pegs of his bike so she could ride along.
"Hold on tight!" He warned and started pedaling towards her house.
She held onto his waist tightly. She buried her face into the boy's back. Her sundress flowed out behind her gracefully as they rode.
She smiled and held on tightly as she watched the world wiz by.
The boy laughed and let her lead him home.

-Flashback end-

He's 27 now versus my 19 years of age. I keep in constant contact with him since he's my best friend.
I'd never trade him for the world.
He's got a wonderful girlfriend now and two adorable dogs.
He's so happy and I'm glad he's happy.
I'm sure he's been fussing over the fact that my 20th birthday is next month.
He always liked making big deals out of small things.
It was a quirk of his in a way.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the dial tone end.
"Felix! Thank goodness you picked up! I need some help!"
"(Y/N)? Is that you?"
"Yes Dummy."
"(Y/N)! I'm so happy to hear from you! It's been too long!"
"Felix it's been a week."
"Whatever. Now that favor of yours?"

"Oh yes. I have a request..."


I'm sorry that this is so late and so short! I got caught up in school and couldn't get the chapter out on time... I'll start the schedule next week I promise!

Bye Bye! *blows kiss and waves goodbye*

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