Purposes and Feelings

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Getting Google in the car this morning was a quite a conundrum. Siri had to help me push an incredibly reluctant Google out the door and towards the car.
He's scared. I know that.
But this is an overreaction.
Currently, Siri is having an epic battle of vim and vigor of who can get the other to give up first.
Siri's got Google pressed against the ground by sitting on him and holding his arms down at his sides while Google is attempting to kick him off. I'd help Siri but he told me to stay back since Google isn't someone to sneeze at.
Siri's holding his ground pretty well I think but Google is much stronger than Siri. I did a little research on Google and Siri and found out what kind purpose that they were meant to serve.
Google is a GoogleIRL Unit Type BHL.
His type tells me what he was supposed to be used for.
B stands for bodyguard. His model type is used as cops, security for buildings, bodyguards, and other things related to them.
The HL stands for Heavy Lifting. His model is also used to be able to move and build heavy items when needed. This model type is the reason my aunt and that driver got out of the accident alive.
Google was built for power. Strength. Protection.
Sir is practically the opposite. He's a SiriIRL Unit Type MHC.
The MH is a shortened version of mental health. He's programmed to detect when people have shifts in moods or to watch over mentally disabled and challenged people to make sure they're ok.
The C was short for companionship. This means that Siri is supposed to be a companion for those he's built to help but he could also be used for keeping watch over children or being there for someone who really needs it.
Siri was build as a companion android for people with mental health issues or for people that just need someone to be there for them. He wasn't built to fight like Google was but he was built to help hold down mentally unstable people so that doctors could give them medication if he were to be used in a psychiatric hospital.
It was actually kinda impressive that he was able to subdue Google long enough to push him into the car. Google was scrambling to try and get out so I knew I needed to get involved now. I waved Siri off to tell him to let me handle it and gently blocked Google's only exit with my body. I reached down and cupped his soft synthetic cheeks with my much smaller hands. My two cool silver rings rested on the warm 'skin' and made him twitch at the sudden cold spot on his face.
"Google. It's ok. Calm down..." I softly shushed him.
He'd been breathing in a panicked manner. Well, fake breathing. He doesn't technically breathe. His eyes were wide and he was clearly scared.
"Calm down... everything's alright. I'm right here and we're fine. Sherry's going to love to see that you're alright. I found out which hospital she's at last night and had them tell her we were going to visit today," I told him and ran one of my thumbs over his cheek.
Google seemed a bit more calm after some more softly whispered promises that everything was ok. I told Siri to go ahead and climb in since he was awkwardly standing off to the side. He did what he was told and hoped into the back with my adorable little biscuit.
Google grabbed my hand and squeezed it in a silent explanation that he was ok now.
"It's going to be ok," I told him one time before slipping my hand out of his own. He seemed like he was trying to reach for it again but I shut the door so that I could go around the car to get into the driver's seat.
I got in and buckled myself in before putting the keys into the ignition. I then pulled out of my driveway and began to take us all to the hospital.
Google was silent and tense the entire time until Siri put a hand on his shoulder from behind. Google flinched but immediately seemed to melt and looked like he'd suddenly gotten lost in a day dream.
"What did you do...," I asked Siri quietly.
"I just put his mind to rest. He has a USB port on the back of his shoulder and I plugged in to send in some data that would cause him calm down and stop processing for a while. Think of it like sleeping," Siri told me and held up a thumbs up to show that the top of it was missing and had USB drive built into his finger. Siri pulled his hand back and placed the top of his thumb back on to cover the USB making his hand look normal again.
"Wow... you really are built to help people," I praise and smiled. Siri also smiled and bashfully looked at his lap. He'd had my biscuit in his lap and was playing with the arms.
"So can he dream? He looks like he is," I asked Siri which made him think.
"I'm sure he can but I shut down his processor sonhe shouldn't be right now. He'd need that to dream," Siri answers and pat his little friend before leaning forward and softly placing him under Google's hand to serve as a stuffed animal for his 'sleep'.
"I see. That's cool. I'm glad you guys get to experience that," I told him which made him smile again, "I'm also glad that you help me take care of him. He's a little... broken."
"He shows signs of PTSD but it's awfully strange for an android to develop it. He must've experienced something terrible to make him like he is," Siri explained, "But my program's purpose is to heal the broken minded and keep the company of those that need me. So I'll be here for him wether he wants me to be or not."
That's... so sweet.
I can't believe I'm actually hearing that.
Google had hated when I first came into possession of Siri because he felt like I only needed one android and that Siri would only cause me trouble.
And despite that, Siri still wants to help him.
That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
"I'm glad... and I'm sure he feels the same about you."
"I know he does. He might not like when I do it but I can use a Bluetooth feature I have to tap into his processor to see what he is 'feeling'. He doesn't want to admit it, but originally the only reason he tolerated me was because you were the one that chose to keep me. But now, he doesn't mind me since I am just like him. Like how humans have bothers or best friends. He thinks of me like that. He thinks of you in an interesting way. I don't know what the emotion is but it's much stronger than me. He thinks very protective thoughts of you and gets angry whenever males at your coffee shop talk to you for too long."
"That's... actually sweet. I'm so glad," I felt tears prick at my eyes at how kindly Siri spoke of Google. He seems to trust Google and thinks so kindly of him despite having only know him for such a short amount of time. And then Google even thinks of Siri as a brother.
Maybe I'm underestimating his ability to think and feel...
I wonder what he thought of Sherry...
And what he really thinks of me...


New Chapter! Alright!!! I'm so glad I got this out at a reasonable time!

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye*

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