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Google actually allowed me to drive this time. He had Siri do a mental evaluation of me to see if I had calmed down, getting a positive response.

I drove down the road towards Harmony Hills, calming talking about how the deal I'd made with Arin could help my business out a ton.

Google was unusually quiet, holding TBT in his arms for comfort in the car since he knew my hand wasn't an option this time.

Google's been getting better about being in the car. He's still tense but not enough to cause too much worry.

However, I have other concerns about him right now.

"I don't know. I think It'll be good to have that extra revenue coming in but I feel bad that they're shelling out so much money to me."

"I understand your concern but think on the bright side! They looked more than happy to and it would be rude to not accept their generosity." Siri points out.

"Yeah... I guess... Google? You ok? You're awfully quiet. I glanced at my elder android, getting a grunt in response. That weird red tint was in his eyes again. Maybe I should have Mat look into this system to see if he's ok.

"I am fi-fine," Google's voice stammered, sounding like a broken record for only a moment.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." He was clenching a fist, looking almost pained.

I highly doubt that he's fine.

But he's so stubborn that I wouldn't be able to get him to answer me honestly if I tried.

He's been a bit glitchy the last few days. His hands would jerk every now and then or his head would twitch. It wasn't as bad as when he first came to me. That glitch had been caused by a loose wire that Siri found soon after we took him in.

Google's been acting up recently but he keeps denying it like nothing's wrong.

I can't help but be worried.

"Alright...," I sighed, turning into Harmony Hills. I was greeted by the security at the large gate leading in, having to show the visitor pass that Felix gave me a long time ago.

He let me in and I drove down the long roads to Felix's on the end.

I always loved the houses here. They're all so pretty.

I could see him waiting on the front steps. He was playing on his phone, wearing a pair of jeans with a light grey pullover hoodie. He looked casual but his hair had been done to look at least somewhat nice.

I wish I looked that nice in casual clothes.

Pulling up the front of the house, I shut the car off, catching my best friend's attention as soon as I got out.

"You're here! I thought you were gonna cancel again!" He called, running up to me and hugging me.

Siri and Google got out after me.

Felix still made Siri a little uncomfortable but Google looked pissed like he had last time.

"I hope your trip was safe. No problems right?"


"Good. Marzia's inside so we should probably go join her. You know she's excited to see you!"

"Really? I haven't seen her in forever!"

We both spoke happily before Siri spoke up.

"Who's Marzia?"

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