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I gave Mat a run down of what had been happening, walking him to the room that had Google locked away inside.
"So you want me to try and find the virus?" Mat asked, looking down at me.
"Yeah. If you can find a way to get rid of it, then everything will be ok."
"I'll see what I can do," He smiled and pat my head, walking with me until we got to the door of the room.
Siri looked up from the floor and flinched at the sight of Mat.
Why is he flinching...?
"If he attacks you on sight, then maybe it would be best if you stayed out of sight of the doorway," Mat offered, pointing to the best place for me to be hidden from view.
Siri scrambled to his feet and stood in front of me. He lead me to the spot that was out of sight but didn't take his eyes away from Mat.
I handed Mat the room key and watched him approach the door.
"Siri... is something wrong?" I asked quietly to the android in front of me. He was so tense.
"My scanners picked up a flurry of emotions from him. Some of which I'm concerned about...," he answered, watching Mat unlock the door.
That's right. Siri's a MH model IRL android. He can scan people's mental health and determine what their feelings are.
"What did you see?"
"Guilt... anger... sadness... and a bit of joy. But not like happiness. Like a snarky joy that someone would feel when showing up someone else," he answered me. If it had been Google, he'd never be able to have described it that clearly. Siri's entire job is to help with Mental Health so he's equipped with knowledge of how emotions work. "But I mostly sense guilt. So much guilt..."
Why is he guilty...?
Mat unlocked the door, calling out, "Google? It's Mat. I'm coming in to do a system check and virus identification."
I could heard Google say something but it was quiet enough to the point where I had no clue what he said.
Mat nodded and walked into the room, leaving the door open a crack so that we could see in if we wanted to.
Siri and I moved closer to the door, watching from the crack as Mat dropped the bag he had and pulled out a few cords and a laptop.
"Alright, so I've been told that you've gotten a virus?"
Google was seated on the floor, slightly curled up in the space between couch in the room and the wall.
If I didn't know how bad Google was feeling, then I would've made a comment that he looks like he's a child trying to avoid getting a check up.
"That's correct." He says bluntly and quickly.
"Can you come out of your spot so I can take a look at you? I can't help you if you're backed into a corner," Mat laughs, trying to lighten the mood.
Google shot him a glare in response, "The last thing I need is for someone to be poking around in my systems and making things worse."
"He's being so aggressive...," I softly whisper, Siri nodding.
"Yeah. It's just because he's in pain. Google hates to show weakness so getting him to admit he's in pain is going to be a miracle. He's aggressive because he wants people to think he's fine." Siri explains to me.
"Google. You're going to get worse just sitting there and allowing the virus to spread." Mat scolds.
"Bite my robotic ass. I'm fine. I don't need your help. If I can't take care of myself then how the hell am I expected to take care of (Y/N)?" Google spit back at him.
I felt my heart hurt.
So that's why he's refusing help.
He thinks that having Mat help him is going make me think that he's weak and can't protect me like he'd promised to do.
How stupid...
"Siri. I'm about to do something really stupid," I warned and put my hand on the door.
Panic flashed in Siri's eyes as I pushed the door open, stepping in.
The blue in Google's eyes washed away into red as soon as he looked at me.
He started getting up, not taking his eyes off of me.
Mat looked frightened at the response and Siri was trying to put himself between us to shield me.
Google took heavy steps towards me with a fist raised, fear running through his eyes.
He doesn't want to hurt me.
I put a hand softly on Siri's shoulder and walked around him. I looked Google dead in the eye and smiled kindly.
"Ok, Google," The phrase felt so unnatural on my lips. I hate giving commands. "I need you to be good and sit. Mat needs to look over you now. I want you to be better..."
My voice was soft, like I was caring for a child.
Google stopped in his tracks and froze. His arm was still raised but I could see his red eyes starting to become purple. He was trying to fight the virus.
He did what I commanded and sat on the floor, not curled up this time so that Mat had access to what he needed to have access to.
"I need access to his chest area and the back of his neck," Mat told me.
I nodded and walked up to my conflicted android, Siri right on my tail.
Carefully, I began to softly command different movements from Google so that I could remove his shirt while Mat set up his laptop. I got his red flannel off first before the black undershirt was removed as well.
Built like a tank.
As always.
Not giving myself time to be embarrassed about the fact that I was basically stripping Google, I took both shirts and set them to the side.
Mat passed me a screwdriver and I opened a few of the metal plates in Google's chest, revealing wires, plugs, and circuits.
I knew Google was more comfortable with me touching him than Mat so I was the one actually touching him.
Mat passed me wires to plug in, giving me instructions as to where each one went so that nothing was in the wrong place.
Google was surprisingly calm. He flinched and grunted every now and then, his eyes still a deep purple, showing that he was really fighting to stay calm. Siri was right at my side the entire time, keeping an eye on Google's vitals and making sure that he was stable enough for me to be in the same room.
Google was sitting on his hands, not trusting himself to leave them out in the open.
He made sure to keep his eyes trained on my hands, watching what I was doing.
"Ok, one more wire and then I'll be able to get rid of Google's Spyware Aggression Virus. It's pretty complex so it might take some time," Mat said nonchalantly.
Google froze completely, turning to look at Mat suspiciously.
"Great, the faster Google gets better-..." I cut myself off and stared at Mat for a moment. Siri looked at Mat and quickly stood up, looking upset.
"Yep. He'll be better in no time," Mat was staring at his computer screen, not seeing the shocked looks on everyone's faces.
"Mat..." I softly said, making sure to not look away from him.
"Hmm?" He responds, looking up finally at the color drained from his face.
Siri was clenching his fists, looking angry and Google's eyes were becoming more of a dark red than its earlier violet.
I looked at his laptop and saw that none of the wires were plugged into his laptop.
He shouldn't have been able to tell what kind of virus it was.
"How did you know that it was spyware without being connected to Google yet...?"


New chapter finally!!!! Woooo!!!!

Bye bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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